Proszę o sprawdzenie pracy :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie poniższej pracy (temat: wady i zalety alternatywnej medycyny), poprawienie błędów i dopisania czegoś, jeżeli brakuje :)

Alternative medicine is known people from ages. In the Middle Ages human (took the advantage of)=(koszystać z) plants to treatment (fo exemple: (uśmiarzać ból) or dress wounds). Today altenative medicine is cery popular in the world. Many people think that it's the best method to be healthy. But like every medicine it has advantages and disadvantages.
One of the method alternative medicine is acupuncture. It's (wkłuwanie) needled to body. Acupuncture thought to be very help in (uśmierzaniu bólu) or throwing a smoke (rzucaniu palenia) and illnes of nervous system. Next method of alternative medicine is massage. This is massage of body and set the bones of backbone. It's very relaxing to people who decided to this method. Homeopatic drugs are available in every countries and they're more careful to us that natural medicine drugs.
Unfortunately in the world are illnes which alternative medicine can't to heal. For exemple: a cancer, leukaemia and other dangerous illnes.

In fact alternative medicine is develop from our minds. Scientists calle it "placebo". If we belive in this method, propably we will be health, because we belive so much that our dreams come true.

(w pustym miejscu musze napisac jakie wady sa alternatywnej medycyny, i jak narazie nie przyszło mi nic jeszcze do głowy, jezeli by ktoś cos wymyślił... była bym ogromnie wdzięczna;):P)
Alternative medicine [is] HAS BEEN known TO people [from] FOR ages. In the Middle Ages[DUZO, DUZO WCZESNIEJ] [hu]man took the advantage of [B. DOBRY ZWROT] plants to treat[ment] ILLNESSES, dress wounds AND AS PAINKILLERS. Today alteRnative medicine is [c]Very popular [in] ALL OVER the world. Many people think that it's the best method to [be] STAY healthy. [But like every] AS ANY medicine it has BOTH advantages and disadvantages.
One KIND of [the method] alternative medicine is acupuncture. It's A TECHNIQUE OF INSERTING needleS[d] INto THE body. Acupuncture IS [thought] CONCIDERED to be [very help in(uśmierzaniu bólu)] A REMEDY FOR PAIN, illnesSES of THE nervous system or [throwing a smoke (rzucaniu palenia)]TO HELP PEOPLE QUIT SMOKING. [Next method] ANOTHER KIND of alternative medicine is massage. This [is]CONSISTS OF A massage of THE body and [set the bones of backbone] NECK MANIPULATION. It's very relaxing to people who decide[d] to USE this method. HomeopatHic drugs are available in every countrY[ies] and they ['re more careful to us that] USUALLY DON'T HAVE AS MANY SIDE EFFECTS AS [natural] CONVENTIONAL medicine drugs DO.
Unfortunately [in the world] THERE are MANY illnesSES IN THE WORLD which alternative medicine can't [to heal. For exeAmple: a] CURE SUCH AS cancer, leukaemia and other dangerous [illnes] DESEASES.

>>>>In fact alternative medicine is develop from our minds. Scientists calle it "placebo". If we belive in this method, propably we will be health, because we belive so much that our dreams come true.
Nie wiem dlaczego , ale po wklejeniu wszystkie duze litery na poczatku zdan zmienily sie na male.
porawiam 2 bledy:
...very relaxing for people...


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