kto mi pomoże napisać zakończenie do wypracowania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
brakuje mi ok 40 wyrazów i nie wiem jakie napisać zakończenie może ktoś mi podpowie co mozna jeszcze dodać. i przyokazji prosze o sprawdzenie :D

When I was a small girl I used to live with my grandparents. They have lived in the little beautiful village which was surrounded by many trees.
I remember when I was 3 years old the tea, which was prepared by my grandfather scaled me and I don’t remember what happened and what was after this accident. But my grandmother told me this horrible story.
I was very thirsty and I asked my grandfather to make me something to drink. Later he put the tea on the table. First of all I was too small and I couldn't reach to the table. First I pulled napkin and then it fell down straight on me.
Grandmather drow me to hospital. I didn't stay here because I felt good. When I came home all family were waiting for me. My grandma conducted me straight to bed and gave me an unlucky tea to drink. And than unfortunately I stinged my fingers because it was too hot
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