bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie mi tego zadania:(

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In the life everything has got bad and good side.Famous also have defects and advantages .There are person whos dream about be a star.I think that famous give many good thinks,it turn the way to the better life.Famous person like giving people is very kind.I think also that famous causes a lot (przykrości) e.g.. in the case of journalist who's imaginative different thinks in the ours topic.The famous limits our privately.Anybody realises haw difficult is being famous actor or star..In me opinion being famous have both the advantages and disadvantages...( trzeba napisać że sława nie przychodzi łatwo)
Being famous is a big responsibility.· Though for all that don't want was famous person when prefer live quietly life.

dodał by mi ktoś moze jakies 3 zdanka o osobie która jest sławna i dlaczego?? bardzo bym była wdzięczna.... Dziekuje wszystkim za okazną pomoc i zrozumienie :):*
In the (bez 'the) life everything has got ITS GOOD and bad sideS (l. mnoga -sides). THE famous also have 'defects' (zle slowo-znajdz inne) and advantages. There are PEOPLE who dream about beING a star.I think that famous (famous -ale kto??? chyba people)give many good 'thinGs' (think - to myslec, thinG to rzecz), WHICH SHOW THE way to the better life. Famous PEOPLE like giving people autografs (sprawdz jak to sie pisze) it is very kind.
I ALSO think that famous PEOPLE cause a lot (przykrości) e.g.. in the case of
A journalist (who's imaginative different thinks in the ours topic-to niema sensu - napisz to jeszcze raz). The famous HAVE limitED privaCY. Anybody CAN realise hOw difficult IT is being A famous actor or A star.
In mY opinion being famous haS both advantages and disadvantages...( trzeba napisać że sława nie przychodzi łatwo-Fame does not come easily.)
(Though for all that don't want-co masz tutaj na mysli?) 'was-(co 'was' tutaj robi?) famous person when THEY prefer livING A quiet life.
Though for all that don't want- w tym chodziło mi o to,że mimo wszystko nie chciałabym być sławną osobą i dalej potem że wole prowadzić spokojne życie... A czy to mam dobrze :

Rihanna is popular becouse she is a singer.her songs are very good and lots of people are listening to them.well this is why she is popular. Co myslisz o calej tej mojej pracy??ma ona w ogóle jakis sens?? Dziekuje Ci za pomoc :)
z tym o dziennkikarzu to mi chpdziło o to że , sława sprawia wiele przykrości czesto z powodu dziennikarzy, którzy piszą różne rzeczy żeby nas oczernić, ale nie mam pojecia jak to inaczej przetłumaczyć na angielski...:(:(:(
...Though for all that don't want-..
For all that, I would not wish to be famous, as I like to lead a quiet, peaceful life.
..lots of people listen to them.
I also think that famous PEOPLE ARE causeD A LOT OF unhappiness (misery) e.g. by journalistS who WRITE imaginaRY things about the famous showing them in a bad light -
dziekuje Ci bardzo :)
>famous PEOPLE ARE causeD A LOT OF unhappiness

tu chyba coś przeoczyłaś Terri
pomoz gdzie - wczoraj bylam b. zmeczona
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