Pomoze ktos? potrzebuje na teraz, blagam bardzo!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Po kilku miesiącach wzięli ślub z powodu dziecka. Wtedy zaczęły się kłopoty. Jego żona prawdziwie opiekowała się, niańczyła córkę tylko przez rok, potem stała się nieco nieobecna, przestała interesować się problemami rodziny, swoim mężem. On nie był jedyną osobą, która mogła wytrzymać z dzieckiem. Także jego 16-letni kot nie cierpiał tego dziecka, był zazdrosny, przestał nawet jeść i zachorował. W zeszłym tygodniu zwymiotowała w pokoju, którego dotąd unikała.
Mimo kłopotów z ząbkowaniem u córki, mężczyzna zaczął obdarzać ją miłością, stał się opiekuńczy. Po kilku miesiącach, Amaya-jego córka zaczęła uczęszczać do żłobka i przynosiła do domu różne choroby i zaraziła tate.
Narzekał na to jak prawdziwy, stary facet. Przyznaje, że jego dziewczyny zmieniły go w sentymentalnego głupka.

Egzotyczna Natalio, w Twoich postach sie juz polapac nie mozna.

Napisz calosc w jednym poscie.
oto jeden post!!!Ale mam nadzieje, że poprawicie mi to??dzieki z gory, wielkie

A year of his life had passed and he was grateful for raising the child together. She reminded him of necessity of him being a real father. As a result of these events they could function as one big, happy family. He couldn't have done it without her. After a few months they took a marriage and then the problems began. His wife truly took care their daughter by the year but then she became absent. She stopped interested in her family problems and his husband. He wasn’t the only one resent the baby either. Also his 16-year-old cat didn’t like his child, he was jealous. The cat stopped eating and became ill. Then last week she vomited in the room which she had previously avoided.
But despite teething troubles of his daughter, he began love her and he became caring. After few months, Amaya- their child began atennded a creche and she brings home all those viruses. She passes one of him. He complained to it as truly, old man. He confessed that his girls transformed him into a sentimental fool. He thinks that the parental love is as a drug, strong stuff and he forgive her everything. Together with his wife, they try to change and amend theirs life to better. He thinks also that not everything beetwen their must be exclusively baby-related. His friends perhaps, are proud of him and surprised that he had thought responsibilities.
A year of his life had passed and he was grateful for raising the child together. She reminded him of necessity of him being a real father. As a result of these events they could function as one big, happy family. He couldn't have done it without her. After a few months they took a marriage and then the problems began. His wife truly took care their daughter by the year but then she became absent. She stopped interested in her family problems and his husband. He wasn't the only one resent the baby either. Also his 16-year-old cat didn't like his child, he was jealous. The cat stopped eating and became ill. Then last week she vomited in the room which she had previously avoided.
But despite teething troubles of his daughter, he began love her and he became caring. After few months, Amaya- their child began atennded a creche and she brings home all those viruses. She passes one of him. He complained to it as truly, old man. He confessed that his girls transformed him into a sentimental fool. He thinks that the parental love is as a drug, strong stuff and he forgive her everything. Together with his wife, they try to change and amend theirs life to better. He thinks also that not everything beetwen their must be exclusively baby-related. His friends perhaps, are proud of him and surprised that he had thought responsibilities.


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