znalazlam to:
..several months ago from one of 'yours' (Nie, nie 'yours' ale YOUR) dealers
..I can never tell 'for sure' (co to znaczy - nie, to jest koloq. tego sie nie pisze w liscie) what part of the CD
..problem 'whit' (WITH) the control panel and volume
..and sometimes it doesn't 'works' (WORK)
I'm sick and 'tried' (chyba masz na mysli TIRED) of all the problems
I look forward 'from you about' (nie, to nawet nie jest gram. -I look forward to hearing from you...) what you can do to helps solve this problem.
'Sincerely Yours'(NIE, nie, jak zaczynasz list Dear Sir, to sie konczy 'Yours faithfully'