ja sprawdze -
Mongolia is 'being' (co to tutaj robi? a part of Central Asia and haS (dlatego, ze czasownik 'is' to 3os l. poj) only 3 milLion people. Mongolia is A democratic country since peaceful 'democratic' (tego slowo juz niepotrz) revolution in 1990. 'This country is high, cold, and windy' (nie, tutaj mowisz o . Most of the country is hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter. IN January THE 'averages' (nie, a co dropping - moze 'temperature') 'dropping' (nie, 'drops') as low as -30ºC. Peoples in Mongolia 'lives' (nie, lives to 3os l. poj, a tutaj masz people - l. mnoga - live) in special tentS (w chyba wiecej jak jednym) - yurt. People mostly {hodują zwierzęta i
uprawiają ziemię}. One of the main problemS in Mongolia is water,
{która w wielu miejscach jest trudno dostępna}. THE Main way to reach
THE village is BY camel.