kotły serowarskie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
zareklamowane kotły serowarskie - ...?
cheese brewing boilers towards which a complaint has been lodged...??
>cheese brewing boilers..

cheese vats

a complaint has been lodged...??

warranty claimed
Można prosić o źródło? Bo według słownika ang-ang "a vat" oznacza "a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids"...
>Można prosić o źródło?

it's all over the Internet ..Kotly serowe 'cheese vats', kotly twarozkowe 'cottage cheese vats'.

just google 'kotly serowskie' and 'cheese vats' and look at the images.

>large open vessel ..

not necessarily; open or enclosed.
Vats=kadzie: http://tinyurl.com/2me87r