To jestem ja - banalne?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Do opisu postaci - ze wskazaniem na moją osobę - mam przetłumaczyć sformułowanie: "To jestem ja". Czy zapis "This I'm" jest poprawny? Bardzo proszę o wyjaśnienie. Sprawa pilna.
this I am = tym jestem, w dodatku styl mocno literacki

To jestem ja = This is me
I - subject pronoun
me - object pronoun

Podmiotem w tym zdaniu jest "this" więc nie może być I: *This is I. (This I'm to już w ogóle).

This is me.
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those who continue to announce “It is I” have traditional grammatical correctness on their side, but they are vastly outnumbered by those who proudly boast “it’s me!” There’s not much that can be done about this now. Similarly, if a caller asks for Susan and Susan answers “This is she,” her somewhat antiquated correctness is likely to startle the questioner into confusion.
Ooops. Did you call me a few days ago, Cal?

A number of people also continue to say "between you and I". Those are bad bad people ;) It should be: between you and me.
>Ooops. Did you call me a few days ago, Cal?

I couldn't find the nerve, Eva..nor the phone number
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


English only