prosze o sprawdzenie;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
wiec tak musze napisac list do kolenzki i poradzic jej jak zlikwidowac stres

Dear Ann

I'm writing to you because i heard your problems with school. I think that meaby cause your stress. I wanted writte you some advice wich might help reduce your stress(i tu cos nie tak musi byc:/)
First of all you should learn only during the day and sleep at least eight hours a day. Secondly you should have a time for a rest - you should spend it on long walks on the fresh air. I thinks that you should find some activity to you might relax and forgotten your problems. Don't forgot to eat health and full of vitamins food your dishes should contain many vegetables and fruits. If i were you, I would a lot of chocolates.
I hope this advice is of some help for you that reduce your problem and I'm going to keep my finger "żeby tak sie stało".
see you
your friends Ela

hm... druga rzecz to recenzja z filmu "the queen"

"The Queen" is an english dramat directed by stephen frears. The script has been written by Peter Morgan.
The films stars Helen Mirrien in a title role. She gives an excellent performance in the film. Other actors are Michael Sheen (as the Prime Minister Tony Blair) , James Cronwell(playing Prince Philip), Alex Jennings (as Prince Charles)
The films tells the story of several days that have shocked Britain and the world. The prince of wales to Diana dies to Queen Elishabeth II, who and her family are on holiday out of London. The monarchy decides that the princes Diana can't be buried with full royal honours, becauce she doesn't belong to the royal family. The prime minister Tony Blair does'nt agree to this decision.
In my opinion film "the Queen" stephena freas is one of the best movies of last years. It brings to my mind many serious thoughts. It's worth watching because you might admire great acting and beautifull landspace of the Great Britain.


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