1. byc na czas/w pore na cos
And make sure you're in time for the beginning of the meeting, all right?
2. wpatrywac sie w kogos (z zajadla wsciekloscia!)
After the quarrel, they started to glare at each other.
3. chwycic cos_kogos/zlapac sie czegos_kogos; zdobyc (informacje)
Lee got hold of the dog by its collar.
I got hold of the information from my private detective.
4. z powodu/poniewaz
Due to extensive alterations, the building will be closed over the next month.
5. z gory/za wczasu
I'd rather pay the rent in advance.
6. miec o kims jakies zdanie
I will never think of him as someone that can be trusted.
7. zarabiac na zycie
What do you do for a living, ma'am?