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Zostałem wychowany w domu alkoholika.
Odebrane dzieciństwo pozostawiło trudne uczucia z przeszłości,
a współuzależnienie rodzinne okaleczyło moją psychikę.
Zawsze będę pamiętał ojca alkoholika, który zamienił życie w piekło,
choć wybaczyłem mu wszystkie krzywdy.
Pragnę stanąć w świetle prawdy, aby nie myśleć o okropnych doświadczeniach życiowych.
Od 19.11.2003 roku zostawiłem alkohol, aby godnie zacząć żyć.
Zacząłem pracować nad swoim charakterem, zmieniać nastawienie do innych ludzi,
a szczególnie pracowałem nad akceptacją siebie samego.
Wspaniali ludzie, których napotkałem na swojej drodze trzeźwości,
nauczyli mnie jak stać się normalnym człowiekiem.Optymistyczne myślenie pomagało pokonać trudne uczucia.
Pamiętam dobrze jak zaczynałem pracować nad asertywnością,
uczyłem się odmawiać alkoholu, oraz narkotyków.
Jak pierwszy raz przyznałem się, że jestem osobą uzależnioną.
Zbiegiem czasu zacząłem panować nad swoimi emocjami.
Stawałem się opanowany, uczciwy, odpowiedzialny i punktualny.
Zmieniałem swoje zachowanie, oraz wyzbywałem się powoli negatywnego charakteru.
Pesymistyczne myślenie mnie przygniatało, doprowadzało do ciągłego ponurego nastroju psychicznego.
Dlatego teraz staram się myśleć optymistycznie, patrzeć normalnie na świat.
Ciężko wyzbyć się zakłamania, oraz systemu iluzji i zaprzeczenia.
Czasami sobie myślę, dlaczego życie jest tak ciężkie.
Mam wielką motywację, aby trwać w trzeźwości kształtować swój charakter.
Niedawno wyznaczyłem sobie kolejne wyzwanie, aby zmieniać swoje życie.

I was brought up in an alcoholic's house. My childhood left me with difficult feelings from the past which come back to me and my family's codependency crippled my psyche.
I will always remember my father, the alcoholic, who turned my a living hell, although I have forgiven him for all injustice.
I want to stand up in the light of the truth without thinking these horrible experiences of my life.
From November 19, 2003 onward I have stopped drinking alcohol in order to start living.
I started working on my character, to change my attitude towards different people, and peculiarly I worked on approval of myself.
Wonderful people I met on my road to sobriety taught me how to become a normal man.
Positive thinking helped me to overcome difficult feelings.
I remember well how I started working on assertiveness; how I learned to refuse alcohol and drugs and how I admitted that I am an addicted person for the first time.
Over the course of time I started controlling my temper. I became self-controlled, honest, responsible and punctual.
I changed my behavior as well and I my negative traits.
Pessimistic thinking crushed me and is what led to my constant psychological moodiness.
Therefore, now I am trying to think positively and to look normally at the surrounding world.
It is hard to get rid of the hypocrisy and the system of illusion and the denial.
For myself I sometimes wonder why life is so difficult.
I am greatly motivated in order to last in my to stay sober to shape my character.
Recently I took on the next challenge to change my life.
rom the past which come back to me 'and' (lepiej ...and also) my family's
...the alcoholic, who turned my LIFE INTO a living hell...
...different people, and 'peculiarly' PARTICULARLY I worked on 'approval of myself' (self-approval).
..that I am an 'addicted person' (AN ADDICT) for the first time.
Pessimistic thinking crushed me and THAT is what led to ..
'Therefore' (lepiej Consequently,) now I am trying to think...
I am greatly motivated in order to last 'in my to stay'(niepotr) sober AND to shape my character.
I was brought up in an alcoholic's house. My childhood left me with difficult feelings from the past which come back to me and my family's codependency crippled my psyche.
I will always remember my father, AN alcoholic, who turned my LIFE a living hell, although I have forgiven him for all injustice.
I want to stand up in the light of the truth without thinking ABOUT these horrible experiences of my life.
From November 19, 2003 onward, [przecinek] I have stopped drinking alcohol in order to start living [ja bym dodal ... living NORMALLY].
I started working on my character [BEZ PRZECINKA] to change my attitude towards different people, and PARTICULARLY I worked on SELF-APPROVAL.
Wonderful people I met on my road to sobriety taught me how to become a normal man.
Positive thinking helped me to overcome difficult feelings.
I remember well how I started working on assertiveness, [przecinek] how I learned to refuse alcohol and drugs and how I admitted that I am an addicted person for the first time.
Over the course of time, [przecinek] I started controlling my temper. I became self-controlled, honest, responsible and punctual.
I changed my behavior as well and I my negative traits.
Pessimistic thinking crushed me and is what led to my constant psychological moodiness.
Therefore, now I am trying to think positively and to look normally at the surrounding world.
It is hard to get rid of the hypocrisy and the system of illusion and the denial.
['for myself' jest zbedne] I sometimes wonder why life is so difficult.
I am greatly motivated in order to last in my SOBRIETY AND to shape my character.
Recently I took on [bez 'the'] next challenge to change my life.
it is perfectly correct to say "turn my life hell", so 'into' is redundant here.
addicted person = an addict; why did you change it then, as it had been correct?
it is perfectly correct to say "turn my life hell", so 'into' is redundant here.

make A B
turn A into B

not necessarily, take, for example, this title of a book by prof. Zimbardo: "Understanding how good people turn evil".
in this case the meaning is the following: "... how good people become bad".

I have found other examples in Mańczak-Wohlfeld et al. (2004). A Practical Grammar of English. Warszawa: PWN. On page 34 they give such sentences:

1) He turned musician and made a great career.
2) Edward Bobs turned spy and was imprisoned.

In all the examples above the meaning of 'turn' is 'become'; therefore, I'm certain 'A turn B' is correct as well.
>not necessarily, take, for example, this title of a book by prof.
>Zimbardo: "Understanding how good people turn evil".
>in this case the meaning is the following: "... how good people become

Quite right, but 'evil' (and 'bad') are adjectives, whilst 'hell' is a noun.

> 1) He turned musician and made a great career.
> 2) Edward Bobs turned spy and was imprisoned.
>In all the examples above the meaning of 'turn' is 'become';

Quite right, but this 'turn' is not transitive, in the same way as 'become' is not transitive, whilst the hypothetical "turn A B" contains a transitive verb. Your good-evil example also contains the non-transitive 'turn', innit?
the alcoholic, who turned my (tutaj cos brakuje - jak damy 'life' to musi byc w cos, a to cos jest INTO) a living hell,
..mozna tez my life was hell under him
..my life was hell
ale jak mowimy, ze ktos 'cos zmienil w cos innego' to turned my life into a living nightmare, a living hell.
Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem.
Thank you.
zgadza sie, czegos brakuje. natomiast zdanie:
"...turned my life a living hell" jest w 100% poprawne i nie trzeba dodawac 'into'.
jak nie trzeba, jak trzeba
a wpisz sobie w Google, co następuje
"turned * life a living hell"
no wlasnie mozna, ale nie trzeba. sa przeciez zasady gramatyczne, ktore to opisuja , a przyklady podalem wczesniej.
nie zrozumiałeś mojego komentarza do tamtych przykladow? Nie rozrozniasz czasownikow/uzyc przechodnich i nieprzechodnich?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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