My favourite film is "What hides truth?" (Sprawdz ten tytul). 'I've seen' (mozna tez i chyba lepiej I saw it in...) it in the cinema.It's a crime 'thiller' (ortog) which stars Harrison Ford and 'Michale' (sprawdz to imie) 'Pfeifer' (sprawdz nazwisko).
Film action begins when 'some' A family is moving to a large house 'at' NEAR 'the' A lake. Mary and Jack -'mains' MAIN characters, 'are' HAVE A good marriage, they have a 'douther' (ortog), who has just gone to 'collage' (ortog- collage to cos innego).All THE family enjoy moving to a new place.
But after two days in the house, there( 'do' ARE strange things) (lepiej strange things begin to happen).The door opens, when Mary approaches it, even 'tough'(ortog) she did not want to open it. When she is in the house , pictures fAll down. Everything becomes very strange to her, but HER husband thinks that she is mad and he makes 'on' AN appointment 'for' AT THE psychologist.
Film has good 'finished' ENDING, 'becouse' (prosze sprawdz jak to sie pisze-nie becouse) all the time IT keepS us in tension. It has A very good actors 'staff' (niepotrz) and A very good script.I think, that this film 'desenes' (ortog) 'on' A distinction.