ullak: A czytać ze zrozumieniem potrafisz?
Kitulec: Gdybym znalazł cokolwiek w słowniku, to nie zakładałbym tego tematu, nie sądzisz?
Moje tłumaczenie wygląda tak:
- Unpublic Teachers Training College (a z kolei na Wikipedii widziałem tłumaczenie 'College of English').
- led under the educational-teaching patronage
- I obtained the average marks of
- I defended my Bachelor’s thesis with the (...) grade
- I would like to obtain the master’s degree of/in (?) English Philology/English studies (?)
- ?
- countries, from which their families and ancestors come (albo 'countries, which their families and ancestors come from')
- With my thesis I would like to prove