pomoc w sprawdzeniu tlumaczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moge prosic o sprawdzenie tego zadania?
Mam nadzieje, ze nie przesadzilem z rozmiarem..

1. Correcting a student's mistakes
Each of the exchanges below contains a mistake. In each case:
a) indicate what the mistake is
b) write in the correct version in the box
c) write in simple terms, as if speaking to a learner of English, how you would make the correction clear (50-100 words).
I.) "I'd like some information about your courses".
"Certainly, here's our brochure". “Information” is a noun which we can’t count in English. This means it doesn’t have a plural form. So I can’t say “informations”. I have to say “information”.
II.) "Have you got any money?"
"Yes, I've been to the bank yesterday". 'Yes. I went to the bank yesterday.' The expired timeframe denominator, 'yesterday', precludes the use of present perfect.
III.) "Is John ill? He's lost a lot of weight."
"Yes, he is rather slender these days, isn't he?" 'Yes, he is rather thin/skinny these days, isn’t he?' Inappropriate vocabulary choice: 'slender' is a pleasant attribute, while 'thin' or 'skinny' suggest illness or being underweight. Slim/thin/skinny have different meanings in terms of degree- if someone's underweight or losing weight through illness, you don't call them slim. Slim is positive, but skinny is negative in connotation. Which is thinner: thin or skinny?
IV.) "Why didn't you answer the telephone?"
"Because I had a bath". Because I was having a bath.” Inappropriate tense: the past continuous is used for one past event ongoing while a second event (the phone ringing) occurred.
2. Approaches to Teaching and Learning
1. Imagine you are teaching a multilingual group of 12 adult learners at beginner level.

I) What problems might your students have in understanding these sentences (50-100 words)?

I've got a headache.
- headache means a pain in a head and a worrying problem(as a informal meaning),
I've got a sore throat.
-sore (adjective) painful or smarting, or (informal) annoyed or offended, serious or distressing (in sore need),
I've got a cough.
An illness that makes you coughs the act or sound of coughing, the act of sound of coughing. That three words used in those sentences have “a few” meanings.

II) What problems might they have in pronouncing them (50-100 words)?
Some problems might appear in pronouncing this words, for example:
The words “headache”, “sore throat” and “cough”, might made problems in pronunciation.

”Headache” – “ache” word comes from “Old English”, The letters “che” will make some difficulties. They can pronounce it by mistake like word “switch” [swɪtʃ]. You have to pronounce it like, - “cake”.
”Sore throat” they can make mistake with “trout”/what describe a kind of fish. Throat you are pronouncing it like boat
”cough” pronounced like moth

III) Outline some ideas on how you could teach these expressions (50-100 words).
I will ask students to point their own head, throat while pronouncing the words. I can feature a person with headache or sore throat. By pretending I can show the meaning of these words. Other possibility is, by showing students the photos of persons or in atlas of anatomy this parts of body and ask them about problems “what you can have”.

2. Look at the jobs below. Experience of which two of these would
be most useful to an aspiring EFL teacher? Provide a brief explanation
for each choice (150-200 words).
actor, artist, doctor, journalist, lawyer, manager, policeman, psychiatrist, salesman.
In my opinion, it is hard to select just two professions of which experience might be suitable for teaching English. All of them have something. The two most experienced professions are: actor and journalist.

Why actor? He/She has to speak smoothly. The pronunciation of actor has to be clear. It helps to understand the meaning of words and sound, I mean their pronunciation. I think that actors have skills that are helpful in learning English. Actors can use their talent in playing, by showing their interpersonal skills. They need to learn by hart screen plans and pay’s attention for that what they have to say and how. In my opinion good teacher is like good actor. Like actor he has to know how to express the word, sentence. He has to get in mind of students (audience).

The journalist. It’s hard to find good journalist this days. But I think that there are some good. Their experience and education have naturally contact with word/language. The same like actors they have to deal with public. If the want to be understated, they need to write clearly. They need to know the quality of word. What the message, load it has. How to express notion and to be disinterested in matter.
The same teachers they have to teach learners the meaning of the word. To help learners to find correct vocabulary for expressing theirs thoughts, points of views. Teacher/journalist needs to have skills to learn literacy, and to know how to use it.

3. How would you try to get across the meaning of the phrase "Would you like...?" (as in "Would you like a coffee?") to a group of complete beginners who do not share a mother tongue (50-100 words)?
Would you like a coffee?

Probably you don’t about “Modal verbs” in English. One of them is “would”. We are using this modal verb with no modal or temporal meaning, to effect politeness or formality of speech: „I’d like a glass of water, please."
"Would you be a dear and get me a glass of water?"
"It would seem so." Or our sentence “Would you like a coffee?”
Chyba jednak przesadziles ;)
Poprawilam ta tresc.
2. Look at the jobs below.).
In my opinion, it is hard to select just two professions 'of which' (ej? dlaczego nie WHERE) experience might be suitable for teaching English. The two most 'experienced' (lepsze slowo SUITABLE) professions are: actor and journalist.
Why AN actor? He/She has to speak 'smoothly' (chyba CLEARLY). The pronunciation of AN actor has to be clear. 'It' THIS helps to understand the meaning of words and soundS..
They need to learn by 'hart' (hart? chyba HEART) screen plans and 'pay's' (co?) PAY attention 'for that' (for that? - chyba nie - lepiej TO THE WORDS) 'what' (nieopotr) THAT they have to say and 'how' (how ale co? - how to pronounce them). In my opinion A good teacher is like A good actor. Like AN actor he has to know how to express the word OR THE sentence. He has to get inTO THE mindS of THE students (audience).
The journalist. It's hard to find A good journalist 'this' (this zwraca sie do l. poj - a tutaj masz days-a days to l. mn) days.
But I think that there are some good.- (to zdanie potrzebuje konca)
Their experience and education have 'naturally' A NATURAL contact with word/language. The same 'like' AS actors they have to deal with THE public. If theY want to be 'understated' (co? chyba underSTOOD), they need to write clearly. They need to know the quality of A word. What the message IS AND THE 'load' (zle slowo- connotation) it has.
How to express notion and to be 'disinterested'(?) in A matter.
The same AS teachers they have to teach learners the meaning of the word. To help learners to find THE correct vocabulary for expressing 'theirs' THEIR thoughts, points of 'views' VIEW. Teacher/journalist needs to have skills to 'learn' (ej - od kiedy 'teacher' potrzebuje sie 'learn'- podstawowy blad - teachers TEACH) literacy, and to know how to use it.
>Mam nadzieje, ze nie przesadzilem z rozmiarem..

Przesadziłeś ,ale trochę pomogę

c) write in simple terms, as if speaking to a learner of English,

The expired timeframe denominator, 'yesterday', precludes
past event ongoing

gdybym się uczył angielskiewgo od 2 lat, tobym nie zrozumiał, o czym mówisz. Powiesz takiemu uczniowi 'expired timeframe'? Kiedy poznałeś słówko 'preclude'?
Za to pozostałe dwa opisy są w sam raz.

2. Approaches to Teaching and Learning
1. Imagine you are teaching a multilingual group of 12 adult learners at beginner level.

I) What problems might your students have in understanding these sentences (50-100 words)?

I've got a headache.
- headache means a pain in a head and a worrying problem(as a informal meaning),

Chyba nie o to chodzi. Grupa jest multilingual, więc nie przetłumaczysz im, co to znaczy. Jeżeli nie znają słowa 'ache', nie zrozumieją znaczenia całości. Podobnie z 'sore throat' - tu nawet znajomość sore może nie wystarczyc do zrozumienia całości.
Podejdź do tego zagadnienia calosciowo - jak przekazać te podstawowe znaczenia wielojęzycznej grupie uczniow.

II) What problems might they have in pronouncing them (50-100 words)?
this words, - blad
might made problems - zla forma czasownika, zly zwrot.

"Sore throat" - raczej nie beda w stanie wymowic th

they can make mistake with “trout"/what describe a kind of fish.

co najmniej 2 bledy jezykowe

Throat you are pronouncing it like boat

zly szyk i czas

"cough" pronounced like moth

brak czesci orzeczenia

III) Outline some ideas on how you could teach these expressions (50-100 words).
I will ask students to point TO their own head, throat while pronouncing the words. I can feature?? a person with headache or sore throat. By pretending TO BE WHAT? I can show the meaning of these words. ANOther possibility is, by showing students the?? photos of persons or in AN atlas of anatomy this!!! parts of body and ask them about problems “what you can have".
3. How would you try to get across the meaning of the phrase "Would you like...?
'Probably' (There's no probably about it - they do not need to know about 'modals' at this stage) you don't NEED TO SAY about “Modal verbs" in English. One of them is “would". We are using this modal verb with no modal or temporal meaning, to effect politeness or formality of speech: "I'd like a glass of water, please."
"Would you be a dear and get me a glass of water?"
"It would seem so." Or our sentence “Would you like a coffee?"
..I czy naprawde myslisz, ze absolute beginners zrozumia ...Would you be a dear..? (chyba nie) Tutaj dostosuj sie do tego, ze absolute beginners tego nie zrozumia..Najlepiej ...Do you want? (impolite) (Polite) - would you like...)


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