moglby mi ktos troszke przetlumaczyc ten tekst?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Christmas is a special time when the family get together and wait for
a first star in the sky. When I was young, I would always look for presents. My mom would prepare twelve dishes without meat. My dad would put hay under the table-cloth and stand a Christmas crib while my brothers and I would dress the Christmas tree. Just before the Christmas Eve supper my parents would hide presents when I would be waiting for Santa in another room. At 5 o'clock we would be wishing each other all the best, sharing a wafer and starting the supper. Everybody loved meals which my mom prepared. All the time, we would be singing Christmas carols. Then it was the time to open presents. I love
doing this. Usually I am very surprised and happy. At 12 p.m. we would go
to the Christmas midnight mass. The next two days is a Christmas time as well. In that time we would have some guests and spend the rest of Christmas together. It's a pity that Christmas lasts so short a time.

Chodzi mi o to by to nie bylo opowiadanie w mojej osobie ale takie ogolne co sie robi w swieta...prosze o pomoc:)
Jak widzisz, pare dni temu, poprawilismy ten tekst.
Tutaj przepisalas, ale z bledami - prosze, jak juz kopiujesz, to chociaz bezblednie.
>>>>>Chodzi mi o to by to nie bylo opowiadanie w mojej osobie ale takie
ogolne co sie robi w swieta...prosze o pomoc

Calkowicie nie rozumiem o co ci chodzi tutaj - masz dobry tekst - ale jak widac, sama tego nie mozesz zmienic. Czy przypadkowo (i tylko sie domyslam tutaj) sama tego nie pisalas???