sprawdzenie opisu obrazków

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zrobiłem opisy dwóch obrazków, bardzo proszę o ich sprawdzenie. Jestem początkujący wiec prosze o wyrozumiałość :)
1. In the picture I can see people on the beach. In the foreground I see childeren and older man. He may their father. They are having fun. In the left corner is sitting old man. He is sleeping. Farther I see two person who are playing volleyball. On the right I can see mother with her son. Mother is buying icecream for son und her. Farther are playing children with their parents. In the background I can see people at sea. Some are swimming, other are doing photo. But all are having sure fun. In the background on the right we can see bridge.

2. In the picture I can see camping holidays. In the foreground I see kind with father. They will light a bonfire. In the left corner I see a man. He is carry a wood. Farther I see three tents. In third are a man with some a woman. Behind tents are standing two children. They are observe airplan in the sky. In the background we can see a fun situation. Two person are fleeing in panic ahead bull. I am thinking that he is escaping from circus.
bardzo proszę, pomoże mi ktoś z tym zadaniem ?
Hejka! Postaram Ci sie pomóc i moge Ci napisać moje drobne uwagi. In the picture I can see some people on the beach.In the foreground I can see children and an elderly man ( jeśli chodzi Ci o starszego mezczyzne).He might even be their father.(Albo możesz napisać He looks like their father).They are having fun.In the left- hand corner the photo shows an old man sitting( napisz gdzie? np. in an armchair) He is sleeping. In the background ( w tle) I can see two people who are playing volleyball. On the right- hand side (wyrażenie on the right nie jest błedne)I can see a mother with her son.The mother is buying icecream for her son and herself.In the middle distance (opisujusz co widzisz w oddali) I can see children who are playing with their parents. The photo shows people at the seaside too.Some of them are swimming, others are taking some photos.I am sure that all of them are having fun.In the background on the right we can see a bridge.In my opinion these people look very happy. Maybe they are just on holidays.I would say that I like this photograph. Pamiętaj żeby nie tylko opisywać to co widzisz na obrazku, ale uzywac takich wyrazen jak ja mysle, ona wyglada...., ona moglaby być, wydaje sie że ona jest.... czyli spekulowac.. ogólnie praca naprawde bardzo dobra, bardzo mi sie podobała. Pozdrowienia.
wielkie dzieki za pomoc
mam tylko jedno pytanie chodzi szyk zdania po takich wyrazeniach jak np.
on the left. Czy prawidlowe zdanie wygladaloby tak: On the left a man is standing czy moze w ten sposob: On the left is standing a man ?
Czy prawidlowe zdanie wygladaloby tak: On the left a man is standing

Tak możesz napisać. Drugie zdanie nie jest poprawne.
Możesz też napisać
There is a man standing on the left.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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