Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej, potrzebuję tłumaczenia tych zwrotów. JEst to dla mnie ważne po w poniedziałek mam sprawdzian ... ;/ Proszę o pomoc:* Z góry dzięki.

1)I was rummaging through a closet

2)while I was looking for a publisher

3)I never meant for it to become my life

4)If I hadn't gotten rid of her now, I'd have ended up writing her for ever.

5)Now l'm leaving for Colorado

6)There's nothing to worry about.

7)I'll take good care of you.

8)How come I'm not in the hospital?


10)I tried calling, but the phone lines are down.

11)You mustn't tire yourself.

12)It's not nearly as bad as it looks.

13)And as soon as the roads open,

14)In the meantime, you've got a lot of recovering to do, and I consider it an honour that you'll do it in my home.

15)I'm pretty sure

16)They said he checked out last Tuesday.

17)His daughter hasn't heard from him...

18)You think he might be missing, huh?

19)Tell me l'm being silly.

20)lf anything turns up, l'll call you right back.

21)I guess it was kind of a miracle you finding me

22)It was no secret to me you were staying at the Silver Creek,...

23)Some nights l'd just tool on down there and sit outside...

24)l know them all by heart.

25)Once the roads are open, the phone lines'll be up in no time.

26)Could l ask you a favour?

27)Forgive me for prattling away

28)Maybe you can come up with a title.

29)Anything out of the ordinary?

30)I bet that old Mustang's pulling into New York right now.

31)l know l'm only 40 pages into your book, but...

32)Well, it's ridiculous

33)It's all right, l can take it.

34)See what you made me do?

35)Sometimes l get so worked up.
Nic, ale to nic z tego co podałeś nie rozumiesz? Może choć parę dasz radę sam zrobić? Nie poddawaj się już w przedbiegach.
Ja to chyba chora jestem ( umysłowo chora )... Misery Script?

Idę do pracy. Tak będzie lepiej. I spokojniej...
moe ci wymieni które potrafię przetłumaczy ale uorzedzam, że jest tego niewiele:)

hehe - wstyd siÄ™ przyznac ale to tyle ;/
A 32 nie?

Naprawdę idę już do pracy. Jestem spóźniona.
No dobrze:) Ale jak znajdziesz dla mnie chwilkę to mogłabyś mi pomóc?
tu są tylko dwa ciekawe słowa:

rummaging - to search for something by moving things around carelessly and looking into, under and behind them

prattling - to talk foolishly or childishly for a long time about something unimportant or without saying anything important

reszta jest powszechnie znana.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia