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1. What did the Serranos' boys do ? In fact they didn't go very far from home. The oldest boy David went to live with his girlfriend and has just stared work in her father's construction company. The youngest son has rented a flat near the family home ( his mother paid the first month's rent only ).
2. So Maria and Mariano asked their sons to leave the family home in Zaragoza in Spain. But the two boys didn't want to go. Then, Mr and Mrs Serrano took an unusual decision - they went to court.
3. Do you have rude and moody teenage children living in your house? Have you ever secretly wanted to throw them out? A Spanish couple, Mr and Mrs Serrano from Zaragoza in Spanish, have done exactly that.
4. Maria and her husband Mariano lived with their two sons, David, 20 and Mariano, 18. "The situation was impossible, " said Maria. "We were always arguing, our children were treating our house like a hotel, and they weren't contributing anything. Also they weren't studying or looking for work. They were complaining all the time and insulting us. They didn't respect us. I love my children, but in the end it was ruining our lives."
5. Normally, under Spanish law parents do not have the right to make their children leave home. But in this case the judge decided that the situation in the Serrano family was 'intolerable'. He gave Mr and Mrs Serrano the right to tell their children to go.
>1. What did the Serranos' boys do ? In fact they didn't go very far
>from home. The oldest boy David went to live with his girlfriend and
>has just stared work in her father's construction company. The
>youngest son has rented a flat near the family home ( his mother paid
>the first month's rent only ).

Co zrobili chlopcy z rodziny Serrano? W rzeczywistosci nie poszli z domu zbyt daleko. Najstarszy chlopak Dawid wyprowadzil sie do swojej dziewczyny i wlasnie zaczal prace w firmie budowlanej jej ojca. Najmlodszy syn wynajmuje mieszkanie blisko rodzinnego domu (jego matka oplacila tylko pierwszy miesiac czynszu).
2.Wiec Maria i Mariano poprosili swoich synow aby opuscili dom rodzinny w Zaragoza w Hiszpani.Ale oni nie chcieli odejsc.Wtedy panstwo Serrano podjeli nietypowa decyzje-poszlo do sadu.
3.Czy masz niegrzeczne i chumorzaste nastoletnie dzieci mieszkajace z twoim domu? Czy kiedykolwiek sekretnie pragnoles wyrzucic je z domu?Hiszpanska para,pani i pan Serrano z Zaragoza w hiszpani ,zrobili to .
4.Maria i jej maz Mariano mieszkali z dwoma synami.Dwudzistoletnim Dawidem i osiemanasletnim Mariano."sytuacja byla niemozliwa" poweidziala Maria.Ciagle sie klocilysmy ,nasze dzieci traktowaly nasz dom jak hotel,i nie wnosili do niego zadnego wkladu. takze nie uczyli sie ani nie szukali pracy.
"narzekli caly czas i potrafili nas obrazic.
nie szanowali nas. Kocham moje dzieci,ale pod koniec to krzywdzilo nasze zycie.
>5. Normally, under Spanish law parents do not have the right to make
>their children leave home. But in this case the judge decided that the
>situation in the Serrano family was 'intolerable'. He gave Mr and Mrs
>Serrano the right to tell their children to go.

Zazwyczaj, wedlug hiszpanskiego prawa, rodzice nie maja prawa zmuszac swoich pociech do opuszczenia domu. Ale w tym przypadku sedzia zadecydowal, iz sytuacja w rodzinie Serrano byla 'nie do zniesienia'. Udzielil panstwu Serrano prawa nakazania swoim dzieciom, aby odeszly.
Błądzisz Engee, nadal błądzisz..
>Błądzisz Engee, nadal błądzisz..

zaspiewam jak kiedys Ace of Base 'I saw the light..' a wiec chyba nie bladze, co...
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