krótkie zdania-pomoc w przetłumaczeniu:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o pomoc w napisaniu krótkich zdań z użyciem Present Simple lub Present Continuous:)

1.(czy) she (nie odrabia) her homework now?
(nie wiem jak to będzie:/ )

2.I know that she (mówi po) English very well, but she( nie mówi po) German.
czy to ma być tak: I know that she is speaking English very well but she doesn't speak German.??

3.(po co) he (chodzi) there?
czy to ma być tak: why he is going there?

4.(czyi) friends (nienawidzą) John?
nie wiem:/

5.He says that he (czuje smak) garlic in the sauce.
tak: he says that he's feeling garlic in the sauce. dobrze??

6.(ile) this car (kosztuje)?
How much does this car cost? tak ma być?

7.Who (nie rozumie) this problem?
who doesn't understand this problem. dobrze?

8.(czy) he (słyszy) anything?
Can he's hearing anything? tak ma być?;/

9.Look!John (rozmawia) toMary.I'm sure he (chce) to take her out tonight.
Look! John is telling to Mary.I'm sure he want to take her out tonight.

10.(do którego klubu) he (należy)?
nie wiem:/

11.(dlaczego )they (patrzą) at me?It (smakuje) good.
Why they are looking at me?It taste good.

i jak?prosze o sprawdzenie lub przetłumaczenie...
>1.(czy) she (nie odrabia) her homework now?
>(nie wiem jak to będzie:/ )
Isn't she doing her homework now?

>2.I know that she (mówi po) English very well, but she( nie mówi po)
>czy to ma być tak: I know that she {speaks} English very well but
>she doesn't speak German.??
>3.(po co) he (chodzi) there?
>czy to ma być tak: Why {does} he {go} there?

>4.(czyi) friends (nienawidzą) John?
>nie wiem:/
Whose friends hate John?

>5.He says that he (czuje smak) garlic in the sauce.
>tak: He says that he {can feel} garlic in the sauce. dobrze??

>6.(ile) this car (kosztuje)?
>How much does this car cost? tak ma być? OKay

>7.Who (nie rozumie) this problem?
>Who doesn't understand this problem? dobrze? OKay

>8.(czy) he (słyszy) anything?
>Can {he hear} anything? tak ma być?;/

>9.Look!John (rozmawia) toMary.I'm sure he (chce) to take her out
>Look! John is {talking} to Mary. I'm sure he {wants} to take her out

>10.(do którego klubu) he (należy)?
>nie wiem:/
What club does he belong to?

>11.(dlaczego )they (patrzą) at me?It (smakuje) good.
>Why {are} they looking at me? It {tastes} good.
dziękuje za pomoc:)super stronka -super ludzie;)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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