Proszę o sprawdzenie. Ostrzegam, że czytanie poniższej rozprawki może spowodować niebezpieczne napady śmiechu. Radzę więc nie jeść, jeśli nie chcecie mieć kawałków dopiero co przeżuwanego jedzenia na monitorze.
Spowodowane jest to tym, iż z angielskiego jestem bardzo słaby. Jestem tegorocznym maturzystą, ale z języka francuskiego. Na naukę angielskiego przyjdzie czas po maturze... zresztą nie ważne. Jeśli ktoś poprawi mi ten tekst i nie dostane oceny poniżej 3, moja wdzięczność będzie go gonić do grobowej deski.
Everybody agrees that being a teenager is very hard period in our lifes. Everyone has to undergo it. We are not adults, but we very want to be. We have a lot of serious problems (properly that we think). If adolesence is really the unhappinest time in most people’s lives? Let’s try to consider it.
First of all, when we are youngs, we are not independent. We have naturally a lot of obligations, but we have also a lot of free time. We have to listen our parents, many of us looks on we are slaves. In our opinion we know every best, but this is not trouth, our mentality is very weak. Parents usually knows better then we, but we can’t to agrees that.
However, we are not responsible for enyone except ourselves. Our parents earn money for our life and our only duty is to lern and to be happy. We get to know the whole world. We make friends, fall in love and learn new things. We goes on spectalcles, we can have a lot of hobbys becaouse we have time to do it.
In my opinion, adolescence is the happinest time in our lives. We are young, beauty and strong. We can not worry about any problems. Added to which whole life is just begin.