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The Greatest

Michael Jordan grabbed the ball from his opponent's hands.He raced down the court and jumped.What did he do?Did he put the ball straight into the basket?Was it just another two points for the greatest basketball player in the world?No.Michael Jordan wanted to show why he was the greatest.In the air he turned.Then, with his back to the basket,he took the ball in booth hands and threw it backwards over his head.SLEAM!The ball was in the basket.

Michael Jordan was born in New York in February 1963,but he grew up in Wilmington ,North Carolina.He wasn't a brilliant student at school.'I sometimes got into trouble', he says ,'because I didn't do my scholwork.'But he loved sports.He first played basketball in the family's back garden.When Michael was six years old,his father built two basketball goals,and Michael played there with his brothers and his friends.


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