Tłumaczenie tekstu

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Witam serdecznie. Proszę o przetłumaczenie mi tekstu. Byłabym niezgonnie wdzięczna za okazaną mi pomoc :-)

W przyszłości chciałabym znaleźć dobrą, płatną pracę. Po studiach chciałabym zostać psychologiem lub weterynarzem, ponieważ lubię pomagać ludziom i kocham zwierzęta. Chciałabym założyć rodzinę i mieć dwójkę dzieci oraz psa, mieszkać w pięknym, dużym domu z ogrodem i basenem. Codziennie odprowadzałabym dzieci do szkoły, a wieczorem odpoczywałabym przy kominku, czytając ulubioną książkę.

Z góry dziękuję!
Prosze nie pytac, o przetlumaczenia zadan domowych.
Jak sama cos zrobisz, to poprawimy.
ktos z mojej rodzinki, zrobie wyjatek wobec tego, terri :P

In the future, I'd like to find a well-paid job. After graduation from university, I'd want to work as a psychologist or a vet, for I find it enjoyable to help other people. Besides, I love animals. I'd like to start a family and have two children, and a dog. I'd love to live in a beautiful big house with a garden and a pool. I'd walk my kids to school every day, and in the evening I'd fancy relaxing in front of the fireplace, reading my favourite book.
And at night, after my two perfect children soundly fall asleep and my cute dog is dreaming his doggy dreams by the fireplace, I'll cuddle up with my Prince Charming who by now would have lit aromatherapy candles all around the bedroom, so the entire room smells divine. He will give me a thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable foot massage and later he will read to me my favourite romance novel until I doze off to the sound of his perfect baritone.
tez tak bym chcial :(
I don't know, Engie....At certain age you have to settle for a frog and stop dreaming about a Prince Charming or Cinderella. So I've been told by a bitter and disgruntled twenty-three year old.
You could be right as well as wrong about it, eva; I mean not you actually, but that 23-year-old bitter and disgruntled person. Besides, if that were the case, which I don't believe to be true, I'd surely be happy with that frog cuz it would have been me to choose her, and not the other way round :) I myself know what I want and like, ok~
I don't think I personally would be happy if I *settled* for someone.

By *settling* I mean accepting someone who doesn't meet all your expectations/requirements/hopes/desires because you don't think you will ever be able to meet someone who does meet all your expectations etc., so you figure it's better to be with whomever than with no one at all. Uhm, no. Thanks, but no thanks. No frogs for this girl!
>At certain age you have to settle for a frog

you can still get your aromatherapy candles ;)
Not yet! I still have a few years left of relatively decent looks. I think I have to widen my search though. Maybe look into nice boring boys for a change ;)
By *settling* I mean accepting someone who doesn't meet all your
..there's time yet, eva. Never settle for second best, though.
I'm waiting for the spring :) A few more weeks and we'll start shedding extra clothes, rolling down the car windows, turning up the music volume and letting the pheromones to kick into overdrive.
. Maybe look into nice boring
>boys for a change ;)

And maybe that is a sort of 'settling'.
Maybe a nice boring boy would have a bad side that I could bring out in him :)
Maybe a bad boy would interest you a bit more. No risk, no fun - as they say :)
My friend always told me "You'll find your Mr Right, don't just settle for Dick" :):)
I've had a bad boy or two. They are interesting, but there isn't much use for them except for fun. In my experience, they are completely unreliable and self-absorbed. And I think I'm too old now to be getting phone calls in the middle of the night: please bail me out of jail.

I think I want a nice boy with a touch of badness. He could explore his badness - under my careful guidance of course - and become a real man. A nice boy without an ounce of badness in him is a sissy.
The other day I heard this ad on the radio. Can't remember what the ad was for, but the guy's name was Les and he's talking to his girlfriend:

Les: We've been seeing each other for a while now; I think we should take it to the next level.
Girlfriend: Oh Les, do you think we should? Really? Oh Les...
An older lady eavesdropping on them: A young girl like you should never settle for Les.

And then there is the rest of the ad for whatever it is they want you to buy.

Les - less (play on words)
It looks like I would be a perfect guy for you :) It's a bomber that you didn't find what you're looking for. Life's too harsh on you.
>It looks like I would be a perfect guy for you :) It's a bomber that
>you didn't find what you're looking for. Life's too harsh on you.

Oh no merix. It appears like eva's been looking for someone like me :P Once she has watched Wall-E, she will understand what I meant. Wall-E is just like me, boring by nature, yet interestingly bad and crazy at times :)
Now I'm intrigued...

I have two deal breakers though: cooking and Latin dancing. You gotta know how to do both.
bomber? or bummer?

And hold on a second there! I'm not dead yet. I'm still looking and having fun in the meantime ;)
>I have two deal breakers though: cooking and Latin dancing. You
>gotta know how to do both

No can do, I'm afraid. Not that I can't cook or dance. I just love dancing to some lively music like dance; as to my cooking, well my little brother used to be fed by me on the food prepared by me, so I think it's all right. :)
You've got whole lotta of time or maybe not :)
I meant bomber :) A bit stinky matter haha, meaning the situation looks bad
Oh, Engee. It puts you at a disadvantage cause I can cook and dance at the same time even :)) Sorry pal, but it looks like you will have to bide your time a bit longer. Maybe you will get lucky next time :))
>Oh, Engee. It puts you at a disadvantage cause I can cook and dance
>at the same time even :)) Sorry pal, but it looks like you will have
>to bide your time a bit longer. Maybe you will get lucky next time :))

Damn it all! However, since eva didn't say a word of her personal preference, I guess I still stand a big chance of being chosen by her :P
By the way, is there anyone out there watching Celebrity Big Brother on Channel4? If so, at 11 tonight there will be a movie with one of the 'inmates' broadcast, namely Verne, the 'mini' guy on a mobile wheelchair.
OK boys, no need to fight. Simply fill out this application, and if you meet the requirements, I'll give you a call :)

I've just creased up when I read your last post haha :))

I'm wondering - Is Engee going to fill it out? :)
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