Potrzebuje pomocy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałabym prosić was o pomoc, ponieważ jezyk angielski nie jest moja mocna stroną. Moim zadaniem jest odpowiedzenie na 10 poniżej zamieszczonych zdań. Nie chodzi mi o odwalenie całej pracy przez kogos. Starałam sie sama odpowiedziec na co niektóre pytania. mam nadzieje, ze mi pomożecie.

1. What will you do if it rains this weekend?
odp. I think when if it rains this weekend I go to the cinema with my friends

2. If you go to the cinema this weekend, what film will you see?
odp. When I go to the cinema this weekend I want see 'Twilight' , becouse I like films about vampires

3. What will happen if you're late for your next English class

4. If you leave home at 8.30 tomorrow morning, will you be late for work or school

5. Will you pass your next English test if you don't study?

6. Where would you go holiday if you could go anywhere?
I want spend my holiday in Scotland, becouse I love mountains and beautiful views (piękne widoki)

7. What would you do if you won the lottery?
Hmm I think I would buy big house with swimming poolon village. I would go on trip with my family.

8.What would your family think if you decided to live abroad?
My family tehe would be opposite

9. What would you do if you saw a fire?
I would call for fire brigade
10. What would you do if you lost your mobile?
I would be very sad, becouse I like my mobile phone, and I have on it many contacts

poza tym mylisz when (kiedy) z if (jezeli)

odp. I think THAT IF if it rains this weekend I WILL go to the cinema with my friends

odp. IF I go to the cinema this weekend I want TO see 'Twilight' , becAuse I like films about vampires

6. Where would you go holiday if you could go anywhere?
I want TO spend my holiday in Scotland, becAuse I love mountains and beautiful views (piękne widoki) - ALE TU POWINNAS UZYC DRUGIEGO TRYBU WARUNKOWEGO JAK W PYTANIU

7. What would you do if you won the lottery?
Hmm I think I would buy Ab ig house with A swimming pool IN THE COUNTRY. I would go on A trip with my family.

8.What would your family think if you decided to live abroad?
My family tehe CO TO ZNACZY would OBJECT

9. What would you do if you saw a fire?
I would call THE fire brigade
10. What would you do if you lost your mobile?
I would be very sad, becAuse I like my mobile phone, and I KEEP many TELEPHONE NUMBERS ON IT.

czekam na odpowiedzi na pozostale zdania