>- Yesterday I saw Bob in the terrible den. There were many 'persons' PEOPLE (persons jest czasami uzywane w USA, ale nie mozesz tak napisac w pracy).
>All OF THEM drank whisky and smoked cigarettes. Bob was in THE company OF 'the' (niep.) suspect
>looking individuals. 'There' IT was late night. What was he doing in such
>'the' A dangerous place?
>- And 'what, to devil' WHAT THE HELL 'you were' (inwersja) doing there?
>When I had breakfast I was hearing a bell to doors.
When I had A breakfast I HEARD THE door bell.
I 'unlocked' OPENED the
>door and saw A postman. He kept in hand A big package (ja bym tu uzyl 'was keeping'). 'He gave package me
>and he went.' He gave me THE package and went away. I put 'her' IT (paczka to nie kobieta) on THE kitchen table. When I tried 'her to unlock' TO OPEN IT,
>'bomb was exploding' A BOMB EXPLODED. Ten minutes later, ' when I cleared a kitchen again
>I was hearing a bell'. (ten sam blad --> jak byles clearing to uslyszales dzwonek a nie odwrotnie) 'When I opened the door again I was seeing
>postman.' When I opened the door, I SAW the postman again. He said TO me, that IT HAD BEEN A mistake. Package was addressed to my