pomoc w tłumaczeniu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałabym prosić o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu zdania:
"Na obrazie dominują odcienie szarości, błękitu i zieleni."
Z góry dziękuję.
The dominant colours are shades of grey, blue and green.
Wielkie dzięki ;)
Help piszę oficjalane pismo do banku czy jest ok?

I am writing to request that you repay all the default charges that have been
applied to my account since September 2008. I do not believe these charges reflect the true cost to Barclays Bank of going into unauthorised overdraft.

The charges total £312 I believe I have been unlawfully deprived of the money and therefore ask that you repay me the full amount. .
I cloused my bank account in September 2008 when I was returning the Visa Card to West Ealing brunch!!! And I though that everythink is all right.
I recived Your letter in September 2009 and You couldn’t tell me where does the fee come from. Either me!

Yours faithfully,
I do not believe these charges reflect the true cost to Barclays Bank of ME going into unauthorised overdraft.
The charges total £312 AND I believe THAT I have been unlawfully deprived
of the money and therefore ask that you repay me the full amount.
I 'cloused' CLOSED my bank account in September 2008 when I 'was returning' RETURNED the Visa Card to THE West Ealing 'brunch' BRANCH (brunch to jest jedzenie pomiedzy breakfast and lunch)
And I thoughT that 'everythink' EVERYTHING 'is' WOULD BE all right.
I 'recived' RECEIVED 'Your' (you -mala litera) letter in September 2009 and 'You' (you mala litera) couldn't tell me where 'does the fee come' THE FEES CAME FROM from. 'Either me' (tego nie rozumiem - to nie jest zdanie- trzeba cos innego)!
dzękuj za tak fachową pomoc muszę się jeszcze zastanowić nad zakończeniem bo nie wiem co by tu jeszcze napisać.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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