Nowadays, when we switch ON (przedimek) tv probabley (orto) przedimek first programm (??, chyba lepiej "image") we see WILL BE AN
> advertisment (l. poj. bo program i image sa l.poj). Generally, A short movie (?? zle slowo) presents (przedimek) benefits of various
>products. Most (of them... lepiej tu wstawic "advertisements") border of> ON absurdITY and MANY of them HAVE exceedED this border a long time ago. i.e marmots
>packing chocolate or (przedimek) cow which (is giving..zly czas) milk straight into a cardboard (do czego? butelki? pojemnik?).
>It (Advertising) helps manipulate customers and make them less carefull (orto) (about what? their purchases? how they spend their money?).
>There is not A SINGLE person in the whole world who (don't see...zly czas) some advertisEments. It
>is more popular (nie rozumiem, co jest popularne?) than cosmetics, tv, computers and other important
>things. The biggest availability of popular advertising is media adio (orto)
>and (przedimek )internet.
>AdvertisEments starts (zly clas) before the period of mass comunication (orto) and only THE invention of the PRINTING? press
> is oldeR.
>Clearly, everybody can watch advertismentS. ever buy it and THIS WOULD contravene (albo conflict with) the intention (albo objective) of advertising.
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