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mg: with Savvy anything is possible.
You're sure you want to meet with him, siunia? Maybe your husband is right?

Wait! Man and right in the same sentence - that's an oxymoron. OK, don't mind me, carry on....
I have speed on my side.
>How is it that in the middle of a perfectly "normal" conversation about my >inherent shyness you can segue into/shanghai the thread and discuss "hustler" layouts???

I’m sorry dear if my smutty remark was embrrassingly close to home.
Never have I meant to rub your intrinsic reticence, which is not emotionally pious I hope.:) But you know, in years to come the multiplicity of different factors will surely bring home to someone the whole hypocritical pietism that is foisted on us every single day. Don’t say this, don’t say that and so on because, quote "it may easily be misconstrued by an honest man”:)),close quote. In fact, I think the opposite is true. Nor am I deviant to devest (fig. :) or denude ? the impostorus ”norm” but rather bored ”tarantinized”(Qeuntin made me coin it:)and ordinarily Mr. Average who knows "where somebody is coming from". While some would eagerly profile me otherwise but I let them jump in a lake :)
But I shall return to the matter from which I have much digressed I guess.:)

The Hustler ”theme” was let slip quite inadvertently to merely draw my somewhat clumsy parallel (I would very readily concede to my but still ”smallest” swerving in this regard :) to the fact that by discovering more about the particular field you ‘re in, and pursuing your cognitive semantic postulate, you finally learn that approppritae form of interpretation. But nobody should be under any illusion that language nativilty is determining and finally fixes an issue.:))
A trully philosophical point which can't be appreciated by those "obatomised" optimists.(no pun intended).
P.S.I don't claim to be the only one who thinks the above way.:)
Isn't the word "segue" terrific?
Other favourites include "awry" and the spelling of "queue"
Back to your message in a minute.
Me? Take umbrage at your remarks? Pshaaaw (machnelam reka)
I'm teflon coated (very little sticks).
Pious?, I'm not a "moher"-in-training. Nice hats though.
Don't want to offend anyone here. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own beliefs, I just don't appreciate the proselytizing (AmE)that often goes with organized religion.
Sure, I knew it , I was just beating my jaws blindly as usual.:)
Segue ? Indeed it is. Especially as a noun. I ran across it some time ago while reading Miles Davis biography.
But a bit of ribaldry wouldn't do any harm to us, would it ?
"He just does a long sequence of slow, sexy numbers,so they can dance real close...Straight segue, record to record , no chat " :))))
Or another one (less voluptuous :) - "We could be doing Limehouse bluse way up in tempo, look at the clock,and do a direct segue into the theme".
Btw, do you know who was hailed as the King of Segue in Jazz ? Teddy Edwards, an american tenor saxophonist, not my favorite , but undoubtedly the artist of the highest order :)
blues I meant ..
"Awry" is a favourite of L-D household.
My husband mispronounced the word for years, much to my amusement.
He received a very "classical" education by some kind of Order of Christian Brothers. That foundation has served him very well over the years.
He was required to take 5 years of: Latin, Spanish, French and English (plus maths and sciences obviously)to receive his high school matriculation certificate. Very Tough.

That's why it amused me to no end that a simple word like "awry" would stump him.
Interesting:) .. "some tread the shoe awry" meaning they break the law of chastity :) I 'm sure your hubby is not one of them :)
Btw, I think we sould pick up a new thread called something like "peculiarly explicit similes in English" where everyone would pin their favorite examples.:)
good idea...
We're always shanghai-ing someone else's thread.

Start one up... :)
Just don't come out guns blazing, your vocabulary can be somewhat intimidating to folks that don't know you.
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31-41 z 41
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