Prosze o pomoc (turn to; turn away; turn up)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam pytanie co oznaczaja podane przezemnie słowa bo nie jestem w spanie znaleźć tłumaczenia

-Turn to
-turn over
-turn away
-turn up
Turn to your left and then walk 100 paces.
Turn to your parents for advice

Turn over!! You're snoring!
Turn over the last card on the poker table

Young Russians turn away from the West
Americans continueto turn away from God

Turn up the volume!!
Please turn up at the station at the prescribed time.
pierwsze, jakie przyszly mi do glowy to:

turn to - zwrocic sie do kogos (np. o pomoc, rade):
Darling, you can always turn to me when you're in need.

turn over - przewroc na nastepna strone/kartke:
Okay, I'm finished with the first page. Now you turn over.

turn away - odrzucic/odwrocic sie (od czegos):
Mr Dickens had already turned away from Tesco products.

turn up - zjawic sie (w okreslonym miejscu i czasie):
We were going to meet at the cinema, but she never turned up.
wielkie dzięki pomogliście mi niezmiernie temat zamknięty :)
No, no, no, wait a little bit :)

To round it off :

Your car engine may be too cold to ‘turn over’( unless it’s Honda ).
You could not start up the engine, you got pissed off,
you decide to drop into your local pub to ‘turn over‘ your Chivas
shot in one gulp (swallowing it at one draught, in other words)
and then ‘turn away’ ( vanish, leave, go away ) and ‘turn up’
there again to ‘turn over’ another one in the same manner,
and so on and so forth till you are crashed and wake up in your bed.
(hopefully )
The next day, you have the worst feebles you have ever had in your life,
you are in ‘detox’, you are simply ‘turned over’
( you are extremely upset , distressed ). You think you go to the pub and “turn up” ( zajeb*ć ) a frigging bartender who gave you such a panther piss (corn whiskey- łycha podrobiona na 'rojalu' )

Hangdog throughout, you start to ‘turn over’ the whole occurrence
in your mind (analyse). Finally, you realize that the wisest thing
to do is to ‘turn up’(kill, shoot) two geese honking in your backyard
and cook yourself a tasty goose broth ( as an eye-opener to your terrible hangover). :))
most obviously "THE frigging bartender..."
a corn whiskey to nie whisky pędzona z kukurydzy po prostu? :)
Może i tak z tym że kukurydza jest kacapska i "pokropiona ruskim rojalem"..
That's irrelevant, my "panther piss" was to imply "luna,samogon, nielegalnie produkowany dykta, barbelucha , koniak pędzony nocą " ..coffin varnish , bootleg,
tiger sweat , mountain dew , hahahhaaa
.. i dla tego bohater mojej historii po wypiciu tej "siwuchi"(on oczywiście myślał że to Chivas Regal 12 yo ;) dostał obrzęku jąder ( blue balls :))

He received testicular congestion after drinking "corn whiskey which was available for 75 cents a jar" ( ....łychę można było dostać po 75 centów za dzban, Tina Turner )
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie