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Kiedy wiesci o odkryciu miasta przedostaly sie do swiata zachodniego, Petra stala sie egzotycznym i romantycznym celem dla dociekliwych europejskich podroznikow po Bliskim Wschodzie.
Mam problem z przetlumaczeniem tego zdania, moze ktos pomoze?
a co potrafisz z tego zdania przetlumaczyc?
Przetlumaczylam juz cala reszte tekstu, ale z tym zdaniem mam problem bo nie wiem do czego odnosi sie to "po Bliskim Wschodzie".
When the west world found out about the discovery of the city, Petra became an exotic and romantic destination for inquisitive European travellers i tu nie wiem after the Middle East? cos mi tu nie gra. Nie jestem pewna tez tego "west world"
for inquisitive Middle East travellers from Europe

podróżnik po Bliskim Wschodzie, tak jak: podróżować po Polsce
aaa wiec to o to chodzilo:) nie wiem dlaczego nie skojarzylam od razu:) dzieki:) a reszta zdania jest ok?
During a travel from Syria to Egypt in August 1812, young Swiss discoverer Johann Burkchardt met an Arab, who told him about “antiquities” located in an isolated valley south of the Dead See. Burkchardt’s curiosity was so huge, that he decided to set out in search of the mysterious valley. What he saw in the valley surpassed his expectations. In the middle of the desert there was an ancient city, carved in sheer, redish and pinkish limestone walls.
The rediscovered city was Petra (“the rock”) former capital of Arab people who lived there from 4th century BC to 4th century AD when the city collapsed. The city was known to European people thanks to the works of ancient writers. However, hints concerning its location had already gone missing at 12th century.

gdybys mogl/a jeszcze rzucic okiem na to, bo nie jestem pewna niektorych rzeczy. z gory dzieki:)
Dead Sea, pomylka:)
kilka bledow dot. przedimkow i przecinkow, jeden zly przyimek, moze dwa zle dobrane slowa. Wyglada niezle.
A cos konkretniej? hehe jakbys mial/a chwile, to prosze zaznacz gdzie sa zle przedimki i przecinki i przyimek:)
During a travel NIEPOLICZALNE from Syria to Egypt in August 1812, POLICZALNY young Swiss discoverer Johann Burkchardt met an Arab, DEFINING who told him about “antiquities" located in an isolated valley south of the Dead See. Burkchardt's curiosity was so huge, NIEPOTRZEBNY PRZECINEK that he decided to set out in search of the mysterious valley. What he saw in the valley surpassed his expectations. In the middle of the desert there was an ancient city, carved in sheer CO TO ZNACZY?, redish and pinkish limestone walls.
The rediscovered city was Petra (“the rock") PRZECINEK PRZEDIMEK former capital of Arab people PRAWDOPODOBNIE PRZECINEK who lived there from 4th century BC to 4th century AD PRZECINEK when the city collapsed. The city was known to European people thanks to the works of ancient writers. However, hints concerning its location had already gone missing NIEDOBRE WYRAZENIE at ZLY PRZYIMEK 12th century.
bardzo dziekuje:)
redish (orto)
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