E-mail badz list - szybko!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam takie zadanie domowe i wogole nie mam pojecia jak to napisac pierwszy raz nam zadala cos takiego a jakby to powiedziec pani od ang nic nie tlumaczy..

Wiec polecenie brzmi tak:

Write a short composition called e-mails or letters- which id better?

-can sens recesive messages at a time which suits you
-do not have to worry about formal style
-know immediately what it's about from the subject box

-not everyone checks their e-mails regulary si they may miss an important message
-nobody cares about correct spelling or punctuation
-e-mails are not usually worth saving whereas you can keep letters and look at them later

Paragraf 1. Introduction
Make a general statement about e-mails
Paragraf 2.
Give one side of the argument and some specific examples
paragraf 3.
Give some opposing arguments and some specific examples
paragraf 4.
make a summary of your views

I to cale polecenie..kompletnie nie wiem o co tu chodzi..pomocy
nie rozumiesz tego planu?
no nie zbyt..bo nigdy nie mielsismy prac domowych zadawanych a teraz nagle jakas wielka..


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia