Not to worry bud! Mine might be even less relevant to the topic but what the heck, come what may :))
≫Termin dotyczy cech danego języka, składni, pisowni, itd. – ”środki strukturalne”.
Some loose thoughts :
So if your ‘’srodki strukturalne ” are to be morphology, phonemics, phrase structure , etc. there are nothing but syntax in a nutshell I guess and then maybe they are quote ,”essentially a set of descriptive devices that are made available for the construction of grammars, close quote
( Noam Chomsky,’Syntactic Structures”)
Compare the following quote from the same book :
Quote ,“ The ultimate outcome of these investigations should be a theory of linguistic structure in which the are presented and studied abstractly, with no specific reference to particular language”,close quote.
Analyzing the above : Can then your “srodki strukturalene’ be a means referring to the ‘syntactic structure of English” ? I think Professor Chomsky wouldn’t hit the roof if I suggested naming it :
‘STRUCTURAL DEVICES “. Needless to say , this needs to be set and understood specifically in the context of purely academic linguistic study. As I said , this is just some food for thought. You may well come up with your own idea or stick to mg’s interpretation.
In this regard, the following books may be very helpful to you in the long run :
1.’Syntactic Structures”( Noam Chomsky)
2.“Grammatical theory in the United States from Bloomfield to Chomsky”
(Peter Matthews, Professor of Linguistics, University of Cambridge)
3. A Short History of Structural Linguistics. (P.H. Matthews )
These are really very interesting books.