In pursuit of dreams - what does it mean ?

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31-42 z 42
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To_ja is my pal. All's good :)
Making "nice" to everyone (mg/to_ja/and the rest of the universe)

I plan on taking eva's advice:
"1. Call yourself an idiot and 2. say something nice about horses"

ok, here we go:

This whole mess started when to_ja probably made a sarcastic and funny remark to Sav (which he didn't catch 'cuz he doesn't know her humour).

I naturally stuck my nose in (I'm an idiot) and recalled how to_ja was rather mean to another friend of mine and wrote something to that effect. Thankfully, what I wrote wasn't THAT awful.

mg (a.k.a white knight and possibly still a friend of mine) takes both Sav and I to task for being awful human beings and paints to_ja as some kind of Mother Teresa type. Aside: His passionate (and double entry) defense of fair maiden to_ja was quite impressive. :) He fails to mention that to_ja has a wicked sense of humour and is sarcastic to boot (I love her already!).

I naturally remember the "despicable" attack on poor defenseless eva (I'm an idiot) and write back to mg, that I have witnessed less than Mother Teresa behaviour from to_ja. Happily, the man had the good sense to go to bed.

Right about now, I decide to talk to eva (who is not an idiot) and she fills me in on all of to_ja's wonderful qualities, chief among them are a wicked SENSE OF HUMOUR. Eva even suggests that we share a similar sense of humour. Could mg have mentioned this perhaps??? Oh no, he was too busy riding around on his white charger (that's a horse).

I'm supposed to say something nice about horses...but I'm coming up blank. I fed an apple to a horse in PL last September. Does that count? How about dogs? I can wax poetic about dogs?

Ok, I think I'm done. Am I forgiven?

Next, I have to coax Sav back ...
>To_ja is my pal.

Nie ma nic pewnego na tym świecie. Bądź czujna.

>She's one of the most
>well-meaning and decent people I have met on-line.

Oj, mg, późna już pora i Ci się zaczęło majaczyć.

Siuniab, doskonale Cię rozumiem. Sama bym się tak odbierała ("a to dopiero wredna jędza." I powiem Ci, że nie jest to dalekie od prawdy) czytając moje posty.
Gwoli ścisłości eva74 i mg, są osobami za którymi bardzo często latam i je podczytuję. Evę74 - bo mi poprawia humor swoją ironią; mg natomiast - bo bardzo fajnie tłumaczy (naprowadzając, co skłania do myślenia). I teraz niezbyt miła wiadomość dla Ciebie: za Tobą też latam. Jesteś trzecią osobą na tym FORUM, której posty są systematycznie czytane przeze mnie. Jakoś tak lubię wyłapywać pewne typy które się pokazują w internecie.
I jeszcze jedno - jestem wiecznie początkującą, przeczytanie tego coście tu stworzyli zajęło mi pół godziny (i tak nie jestem pewna czy wszystko zrozumiałam) - więc nie zamierzam wchodzić w dyskusję.
Dodatek, koński: mamy śliczną, małą, całkiem nową klaczusię (małego konika).
kurcze, cala wine wale na ewe :)

If ewa wasn't such a meek, mild, defenselss and fragile female, I wouldn't have to rush to her defence all the time and offend (obrazac) "well meaning and decent people" (trzeba tu tez troche mg poszturkac...).

Dzieki, za zrozumienie i
sorki (malymi literkami napisane)
>kurcze, cala wine wale na ewe :)

I'm sure there is a fan club somewhere that you could join.
I thought the whole "deflection" thing was a stroke of genius actually.
I'm with you on that one. Always transfer the blame!
It’s unbelievable to me. And to think that it all started with my inoffensive and in fact, well- intentioned tongue-in-cheek ‘smutty trope’, which again was to merely emphasize the magnitude of my passion to English but went against someone’s sense of ‘imposturous decency’.( while I held a polite and friendly conversation ( in another thread) with an asker about translations and stuff, all of a sudden, the venezuelan-cuban like socialist censorship squeeze was put on me like a lightning bolt, sounds familiar ? )

We’re not in kindergarten and it was after the watershed either. I reacted accordingly at an attempt to be gagged.

No one is a stranger to wickedness occasionally and I’m no exception to this rule but the fact of the matter is that I’m not genuinely mordacious, not by any means. I’ve learned to accept constructive criticism without rancor. What’s been said exhausts the subject I guess. I rest my case.
A small horse supplement: Sav you should be snaffled and bolted :D
But I guess it's all shutting the stable door after the horse bolted, you naughty MEEK :))
But just as you can shut something that doesn’t exist any longer , neither can you stop a shire horse form ramming into the barn door and leaving it all behind crashing down.
>snaffled and bolted ? You may well try to dust me off but that wouldn’t help much.
why so serious? It's just not you!!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-42 z 42
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Studia językowe


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie