Making "nice" to everyone (mg/to_ja/and the rest of the universe)
I plan on taking eva's advice:
"1. Call yourself an idiot and 2. say something nice about horses"
ok, here we go:
This whole mess started when to_ja probably made a sarcastic and funny remark to Sav (which he didn't catch 'cuz he doesn't know her humour).
I naturally stuck my nose in (I'm an idiot) and recalled how to_ja was rather mean to another friend of mine and wrote something to that effect. Thankfully, what I wrote wasn't THAT awful.
mg (a.k.a white knight and possibly still a friend of mine) takes both Sav and I to task for being awful human beings and paints to_ja as some kind of Mother Teresa type. Aside: His passionate (and double entry) defense of fair maiden to_ja was quite impressive. :) He fails to mention that to_ja has a wicked sense of humour and is sarcastic to boot (I love her already!).
I naturally remember the "despicable" attack on poor defenseless eva (I'm an idiot) and write back to mg, that I have witnessed less than Mother Teresa behaviour from to_ja. Happily, the man had the good sense to go to bed.
Right about now, I decide to talk to eva (who is not an idiot) and she fills me in on all of to_ja's wonderful qualities, chief among them are a wicked SENSE OF HUMOUR. Eva even suggests that we share a similar sense of humour. Could mg have mentioned this perhaps??? Oh no, he was too busy riding around on his white charger (that's a horse).
I'm supposed to say something nice about horses...but I'm coming up blank. I fed an apple to a horse in PL last September. Does that count? How about dogs? I can wax poetic about dogs?
Ok, I think I'm done. Am I forgiven?
Next, I have to coax Sav back ...