wierszyk nt dni tygodnia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej, pamięta ktos jak dokładnie szedł ten wierszyk o dniach tygodnia po angielsku do nauki dzieci dni tygodnia?

coś było w stylu:

Dawid Sandy
born on Monday
baptised on Tuesday...

jak to dokładnie było?
podnoszę temat, wie ktoś może/zna ten wierszyk do nauki dni tyg?
Solomon Grundy
Born on Monday
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Took sick on Thursday
Worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Buried on Sunday
And that's the end
Of Solomon Grundy!

Wystarczy użyć google. ;)
It's not exactly what you ask for but take a look:
Ja tez to znam, choć moja wersja różni sie raptem kilkoma wyrazami.

Salomon Grundy
Was born on Monday
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Fell ill on Thursday
Worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Buried on Sunday
That's the end of Salomon Grundy
a tu są też inne nt dni tygodnia:

moja wersja tez sie odrobinke rozni ;)
Salomon Grundy
Born on the Mondey
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Fell ill on Thursday
Get worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Buries on Saturday
And that's the end of Salomon Grundy
moja wersja tez sie odrobinke rozni ;)
Salomon Grundy
Born on the Mondey
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Fell ill on Thursday
Get worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Buries on Saturday
And that's the end of Salomon Grundy
ups.... mala poprawka, mialo byc oczywiscie Buried on Sunday, pozdrowka! ;)
That's stupid, you can't expect to be burried on Sunday unless you are Jewish. :) On the other when you're a Jew you can't be burried just the day after the day you died, it's against the low:)
but it can be e.g. two weeks and day later
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.