Niech ci będzie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"Niech ci będzie" - jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski?
so be it - to jest bliższe "niech tak będzie"
oraz: (OK, well) have it your (own) way.
Danke :). A może być 'may it be'?

I jeszcze z innej beczki: "danie dnia".
>Danke :). A może być 'may it be'?
To wyglada jak poczatek pytania

>I jeszcze z innej beczki: "danie dnia".

dish of the day
to zalezy od kontekstu zdania, rownie dobrze moze byc "fair enough" co oznacza tyle co: niech bedzie e.g: I'll come if I can bring my sister with me" "Fair enough" ,co znaczy tyle co: "przyjde jesli moge zabrac moja siostre ze soba" " niech bedzie"
hm, moim zdaniem "fair enough" znaczy tutaj "Nie mam nic przeciwko temu", natomiast "niech będzie" = "niechętnie się zgadzam"
zaleznie od kontekstu, , w sensie "wypchaj sie", slang:
go screw yourself
oj, Twój przykład to 'bardzo delikatne'
;) wypchaj sie to chyba nie tylko dezaprobata ale wrecz odmowa...
Hm. Co do dania - może być 'meal of the day'? Bo właśnie to mi w pierwszym momencie przyszło do głowy.
jeżeli jest to w restauracyjnym menu to ja bym powiedział: today's special
i'd say 'fair engough' does the trick here. it can be used to cut a longish discussion and basically say 'ok, you win' (but i know better). other expressions: '(ok), whatever!', 'suit yourself' (to counterbalance pzzp's 'go screw yourself' - you could lose a couple friends using it! :))
>i'd say 'fair engough' does the trick here. it can be used to cut a
>longish discussion and basically say 'ok, you win' (but i know

That's news to me - I've always thought it meant "OK. You're/That's right".
Would your comment refer to American usage?
You're on the mark.
I would say in North America we use "fair enough" as an utterance of acknowledgement in reply, whether one agrees with the other person or not. Meaning is in the context of the discussion. In the case of disagreement, it simply ends the matter, and all move on to another point.
"Fair enough" means "I can agree to that, I can accept that (because it is adequate)."
A stand-alone "whatever" is crude and disrespectful and is no replacement for "fair enough."
i always refer to american usage. simply because i don't hear much bre.
i never said they could be used interchangably! i said 'other expressions'. :)
'fair enough' doesn't always imply 'i admit you're right'.
odsylam do "slownika wspolczesnego" longmana
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Olimpiada języka angielskiego