Live in 2050!! I need help... :-/

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Potrzebuje waszej pomocy!! Mam napisać speech, a później go wygłosić!! Mam problem z początkiem i nie wiem do końca jak zakończyć, za to rozwinięcie myślę, że wyszło mi całkiem dobrze. Ale mam problem z czasami które użyłem. Dopiero poznałem Future continuousi Future perfect i boje się, ze źle je użyłem!! Czy mógby ktoś sprawdzić ten speech i podpowiedzieć coś na poaczątek i na zakończenie!! Z góry wielkie dziex!! To bardzo ważny SPEECH. :-)))

At the beginning I would like to say that worlds is changing very fast. We can be sure, that the world in fifty years will be looking completely different than today. (...) People have many hopes but they very afraid of fears. Do you ever think how the Earth will look in 2050?

By the year 2050, live will have been easier than today. People will have lived longer, the scientist will found cures for many diseases. Aids and cancer will have stopped beset people. On the other hand, in the world will have occurred the new civilization illnesses. In the thirty years we will destroying the environmental totally. There won’t have been any rainforest. The atmosphere would be so polluted, that people would have to build new cities underground or under the sea with own factory of air. However after this tragedy we will have started to care of our environmental. For example scientist will have invited environmentally friendly car, which wouldn’t be remind nowadays car. Instead of petrol will use on water.

Moreover in the fifty years education will have changed a lot. Children won’t be going to school. They will have learned in sleep. For instance they will be dreaming about history of world, about wars, they will have visited every country of the world, and looked up animal on the nature. So they will have had much time to play computer games, play with virtual friend, chat on net and so on. The adults will have worked at home by net. People will more travel. In 50 years we will be discovering new planets. We will have spent our holiday on Moon, or go to the trip on some planets far away, on the weekend’s picnic we will fly on Mars.

Furthermore will have connected with aliens and we will harness their knowledge to save the Earth and improve other points of live which will not change.

As a conclusion live in the future will have changed a lot. The electronic appliances, computers, net, and many other of our inventions will help us in live. (...)
world is changing (not worlds - ale to chyba literowka:)
...hopes but they ARE very afraid (afraid of fears? - troche maslo maslane)
Have you ever wondered what the Earth will look like in 2050?
liFe will be easier than today, people will be living longer, scientist will have found (choc nie jestem pewna czy perfect jest tu potrzebny)
new civilisation illnesses will occur
In 30 years we will have destroyed environment totally
There won't be any rainforest
The atmosphere will be so polluted, that people will have to
tragedy, we will start to
scientists will introduce an environment-friendly car, wich won't resemble the cars of today
instead of petrol they will run on petrol
in 50 years will change a lot. They will be learning in sleep
they will (be) visit(ing)....look(ing) at animals
so they will have much more time
adults will be working
people will be travelling more
we will be spending on the Moon, or going for trips.... , flying to Mars
furthermore, we will......points of liFe
as a conclusion, our life (lives) will change considerably
(bez the) electronic appliances, computers , THE internet.....will be helping us in our lives.
Nie wiem czy poprawnie bo juz sie troche zakrecilam - mysle ze tekst potrzebuje jeszcze korekty
Poprawiłem, to na co mi zwróciłaś uwagę dziex!! Ale potrzebuje jeszcze pomocy, wydaje mi sie, ze mogą być jeszcze jakieś błedy, a sam ich nie widze. No i obawiam sie co do użycia tych czasów przyszłych!! Jest ktoś w stanie mi pomóc, to naprawdę ważny speech!!
A jeśli ktoś by miał jakiś pomysł co dopisac do wstępu i na zakończenie, chętnie wykorzystam, moze być po polsku!! Niecierpliwie oczekuje odpowiedzi!!

At the beginning I would like to say that world is changing very fast. We can be sure, that the world in fifty years will be looking completely different than today. People have many hopes but they are very afraid. Have you ever wondered what the Earth will look like in 2050?

By the year 2050, life will be easier than today. People will be living longer, the scientist will found cures for many diseases. Aids and cancer will have stopped beset people. On the other hand, in the world will have occurred the new civilization illnesses. In the thirty years we will have destroyed the environmental totally. There won’t be any rainforest. The atmosphere will be so polluted, that people will have to build new cities underground or under the sea with own factory of air. However after this tragedy we will start to care of our environmental. For example scientist will have invited environment-friendly car, which won’t resemble the cars of today. Instead of petrol will run on water.

Moreover in the fifty years education will change a lot. Children won’t be going to school. They will be learning in sleep. For instance they will be dreaming about history of world, about wars, they will be visiting every country of the world, and looking at animal on the nature. So they will have more time to play computer games, play with virtual friend, chat on net and so on. The adults will be working at home by net. People will be traveling more. In 50 years we will be discovering new planets. We will be spending our holiday on Moon, or going for trips on some planets far away, on the weekend’s picnic we will be flying on Mars.

Furthermore we will connect with aliens and we will harness their knowledge to save the Earth and improve other points of life which will not change.

As a conclusion lives in the future will change considerably. Electronic appliances, computers, the internet, and many other of our inventions will be helping us in our lives.
Czy jest mi ktoś w stanie pomóc!!??
Błagam pomóżcie mi, chociaż napiszcie, na co powinienem zwrócić uwagę i gdzie szukać błędów!! Nie oczekuje, ze poprawicie mi pracy... :-/ To naprawdę ważny speech, a co do wstępu i do zakończenia, napiszcie co wam tylko przychodzi do głowy, bo ja kompletnie nie wiem jak można to podsumować czy zacząć!! Czekam i mam nadzieje, ze ktoś mi pomoże...
In the beginning, I would like to say that our world is changing very fast. Technology is developing at such an amazing pace that some people do not seem to keep up with the changes. Whether we like or not, the world will keep changing and so will our lives. We cannot stop it. Have you ever wondered what our world will be like in 2050? Here are some ideas of mine.

These are just a few examples of possible changes in our world. They are my pure imagination of course, but you never know when imagination and fiction can become reality and this is why I think people should consider such possibilities and decide whether they want the world to change in this way. And if not - stop it before it's not too late.

Nie wiem czy to dobre, ale nie mam weny na nic innego.
Co do tych czasow przyszlych to troche sie zakrecilam przy poprawkach - generalna zasada jest taka: perfect jesli chcesz zaznaczyc ze cos sie stanie (zakonczy) do jakiegos punktu w przyszlosci; spotkalam sie gdzies ze stwierdzeniem ze jesli opisuje sie przyszlosc (to jak myslisz ze bedzie wygladac - czyli tak jak w tym przypadku) to najlepiej uzyc future continuous a jesli forma continuous nie za bardzo pasuje to future simple.
Wielkie dzięki!! Początek i zakończenie są swietne!! Nie ma to jak kobieca ręka!! Z tymi czasami, będe musiał, jeszcze przestudiować zdanie po zdaniu, i zastanowić sie w którym miejscu, jaki czas będzie właściwy... >Wielkie dziex, jeszcze raz, jak będe mógł się kiedyś odwdzieczyć no to się polecam. Przedewszystkim w sprawach historii!!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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