My ideal home

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie pracy, a także o wyjaśnienie zwrotu:

four - poster bed

My ideal home would be a beautiful house in England. It would be near the lake and have magnificent views over the hills.
It would be an old-fashioned castle-like house.
The building would have a lot of the features of a traditional castle, including especially a keep.
Inside, the rooms would be spacius. Walls would be painted in pastel colours and there would be some antique furniture. I would have some magnificent pictures on the walls.
The most beautiful room would be my bedroom, including a bed with canopy.[łóżko z baldachimem, is it corect?]
In my home, there would be also a huge library, filled with many books. In the library would be a comfortable sofa and armchairs.
That's the home from my dreams. One thing is sure it out of ordinary and unique.
four-poster bed = lozko z baldachimem
four posters to te cztery 'filary', na ktorych rozpiety jest baldachim, czyli 'canopy'
więc a "bed with canopy" jest niepoprawnie??

**Proszę jeszcze o sprawdzenie pracy My ideal home:]
'four-poster bed' będzie dokładnie tym co sama nazwałaś 'bed with canopy'
Nie weim czy mówi się 'bed with canopy' , na pewno mówi sie ' four posted ..'. Więc sprawa jest prosta. :))
thx jeszcze tylko to:

My ideal home would be a beautiful house in England. It would be near the lake and have magnificent views over the hills.
It would be an old-fashioned castle-like house.
The building would have a lot of the features of a traditional castle, including especially a keep.
Inside, the rooms would be spacius. Walls would be painted in pastel colours and there would be some antique furniture. I would have some magnificent pictures on the walls.
The most beautiful room would be my bedroom, including a bed with canopy.[łóżko z baldachimem, is it corect?]
In my home, there would be also a huge library, filled with many books. In the library would be a comfortable sofa and armchairs.
That's the home from my dreams. One thing is sure it out of ordinary and unique.
there would ALSO be (also po auxiliary/modal v., przed main v.)

in the library tHERE would be ...

it IS out of ...
four poster - sorry, literówka
Thank you veru much:] Take care
a bed wita A canopy
One thing is sure, it is.. (przecinek)
spacious (zabrakło Ci literki)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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