ProszÄ™ o poprawÄ™

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Serdecznie proszę o poprawienie (zapewne licznych) błędów. Z góry dziękuję i pozdrawiam ;-) Brian

Brian Gibson oglądał telewizję w swojej sypialni. Był bardzo zmęczony. Po chwili usnął. Obudził się, gdy usłyszał syreny wozów strażackich. Kiedy schodził na dół wyjrzał przez okno i zobaczył pomarańczowe płomienie w odległości około mili. Palił się pobliski park. Ogień rozprzestrzeniał się niezwykle szybko. Brian powiedział o wszystkim matce. Oni musieli uciekać. Kate rozpaczliwie próbowała uruchomić samochód, ale się jej nie udało. Ogień był coraz bliżej. Postanowili uciekać na nogach. Gdy biegli Kate upadła i skręciła kostkę. Ból był bardzo silny i nie mogła dalej iść. Brian wziął więc mamę na ręce i szedł dalej. W gęstym dymie stracił jednak orientację. Nie wiedział gdzie iść. Dusił go dym. Brakowało mu już sił. Szedł przed siebie. W końcu zobaczył błyskające światło policyjnego samochodu poprzez dym. Wsiedli do samochodu i pojechali do szpitala. Macie szczęście, że żyjecie, powiedział jeden z policjantów. Niebawem strażacy ugasili pożar i Brian z matką wrócili do domu.


Brian Gibson was watching TV in his bedroom. He was very tired. In a moment he was sleeping. He was waking up when he heard sirens of fires carts. When Brian was going downstairs, he looked out of the window and saw orange flames about a mile away. Nearby park burnt. The fire extended unusually quickly. Brian told about all mother. They had to run away. Kate desperately tried to start the car, but nothing happened. The fire was nearer and nearer. They decided to run away to legs. While they were running, Kate fell and sprained her ankle. The ache was very strong and she could not farther go. Brian taking well mother on hand and he went farther. In thick smoke he lost yet orientation. He knew not where to go. The smoke him strangled. Brian failed already strengths. He walked along. At last he saw the flashing light of a police car through the smoke. They got on car and thew went to hospital. " You are lucky to be alive" one of the policeman said. Presently firemen quenching fire and Brian with mother came back to house.
na poczÄ…tku:

After a moment he fell asleep. He woke up when....
Na dobry poczÄ…tek:)
JA nie lubię pracować na czyjeś oceny.
Bardzo proszę popraw chociaż te największe błędy.
Brian Gibson was watching TV in his bedroom. He was very tired. Soon, he fell asleep. The sound of fire engines woke him up. As Brian was going downstairs, he looked out of the window and saw orange flames about a mile away. The nearby park was burning. The fire was spreading unusually quickly. Brian informed his mother *Kate of all this. They had to run away. Kate desperately tried to start the car, but she was unsuccessful. The fire was getting nearer. They decided get away on foot. Whilst they were running, Kate fell and sprained her ankle. She was in considerable pain and could not go further. Brian picked his mother up and he proceeded further. However, he lost his way in the thick smoke. He did not know which way to go. The smoke was choking him. He was loosing his strength. He went forward. In the end, he saw the flashing light of a police car through the smoke. They got in car and went to hospital. " One of the policeman said, "You are lucky to be alive". Finally, the firemen put the fire out and Brian came back home with his mother.

* I presume that the mother's name is Kate - otherwise the story does not appear to make sense. I have ,therefore, added her name here in the interests of continuity

went downstairs
park was burning
told his mother about that
wykreślić: away to legs
the pain
didn't know
smoke choked him
B. was exhausted
got into the police car
fireFIGHTERS :) are putting out the fire
fire carts
the park nearby was burning
Brian told his mother about it all
they decided to run away ON FOOT
the pain was so strong that she couldn't go any farther
Brian failed already strenghts - to jest raczej na pewno źle ale jakoś nie mam pomysłu jak je zrobić, może tak All styrenght had already failed Brian ale nie wiem czy tak może być
they got on THE car
soon the firemen put out the fire and Brian with HIS mother
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.