Sprawdzi ktoś prosze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

I have talked with my staff about wearing an identity badge with their full name. They reaction was strong, because they do not want to wear them.

Personally, I could do with this issue, but I am aware that my employers will not work as well if they are unhappy. Their arguments follow below:

1. The private life can be at risk. Angry client could find out easily worker’s home address and intimidate him.

2. There are only 5 of workers in reception. They look different and could be identified without badges.

3. From staff point of view this issue seems like a waste of time and money. The money could be better spend, for example on the carpet in the reception, which is worn out.

I feel that the requirement to wear an identity badge will probably provoke strong resistance among my employers. Perhaps they could wear badges only with their first name. I hope that you will take my suggestion into account.
Ja bym to troche zmienila -
I have talked with my staff the issue of wearing an identity badge... THEIR reaction was strong...
... I could do? (do what?) do you mean deal? - then DEAL with this issue, but I am aware that my EMPLOYEES ...Their arguments are set out below:
1. THEIR private life... Angry clients/albo/ An angry client could easily find the workers/employees home...
2. ...only five workers in reception. They all look different and could be...
3. From the staff... money could be better SPENT, for example....
carpet in Reception (bez 'the').
...resistance among my EMPLOYEES. Perhaps they could wear badges showing their first name only/albo badges with their first name only.
I hope that you will take this suggestion into account.
Sorry, pierwsze zdanie jest cos nie tak. Lepiej-
I have talked with my staff regarding the issue of...
I have discussed with my staff the issue of...
Znalazłem w słowniku,że wyrażenie I could do sth znaczy - nie mieć nic przeciwko. To miałem na myśli, może inaczej to napisać trzeba??
Czy mozesz sprawdzic ten slownik jeszcze raz - I could do something - to wedlug mnie nie calkowicie znaczy, ze nie mam nic przeciwko temu (issue/proposal). Jak chcesz napisac, ze nie masz nic przeciwko temu (situacji) to mozna by... I agree with...I have no objection to... itp.


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