word formation, error correction

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy może ktoś to sprawdzić, jakie są błędy? Bardzo to dla mnie ważne,bo takie zadanie było na maturze i chce wiedziec jak mi poszlo a nigdzie nie moge dostac klucza.

The biggest suprise of the Academy Awards was how a few suprises there were. The international blockbuster and the last one episode of the Hobbit trilogy, 'The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King,' has swept Oscars Sunday night in winning 11 statues, including Best Director and Best Picture. The Peter Jackson film, which has made $1 bilion at the worldwide office box, won every award it was being nominated for, tying with Titanic and Ben-Hur for the most oscars ever. 'You're giving to us just an inceredible night,' Jackson said during the one of his many trips to the podium. The only chanses other films had were in the acting categories, where 'Lord of the Rings.' it wasn't nominated.
zaznacze tylko tam gdzie mozna by poprawic:
...Awards was how few surprises (bez 'a') there were.
has swept THE Oscars ON Sunday night... including THE Best Director and THE Best Picture. ... billion (chyba 'll')...at worldwide box office (nie office box)
You're giving US (bez 'to') just an incredible night' , Jackson said during ONE (bez 'the') of his many trips.... The only 'chances'......where Lord of the Rings wasn't nominated (bez 'it).


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