Proszę, moi drodzy, proszę!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy znacie słówka, których często używamy, gdy chcemy wyrazić własną opinię? Typu "however", "to sum up"?
Może to Wam się wyda głupie, ale chciałabym utworzyć taką "bazę", bo w końcu jeśli piszemy coś, to musimy znać trochę słów łączących poszczególne myśli.
Ja w jednej książce znalazłam taką długą listę:

although, yet, however, neverthless, in spite of, but, while, despite, even if, even though, at the same time

firstly, in the first place, first od all, to start with, finally

what is more, furthermore, also, apart from this, in addition to, moreover, besides, not to mention the fact that

in my opinion/view, to my mind/way of thinking, personally I believe, it strikes me that, I feel strongly that, I am inclined to believe that, it seems to me that, as far as I am concerned

according to, with reference to

finally, lastly, above all, all in all, taking everything into account, on the whole, all things considered, in conclusion, as I have said, as was prevoiusly stated, to sum up

because of, owing to, due to, for this reason

therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, so, as a consequence

Uch, drugą połowę dopiszę później:)
as far as I'm concerned (as I know)
I think (that) everybody would agree with the fact that
We also should notice that
Personally I think that
It's obvious that
I'm convinced that
The most/another important problem is
It seems to met that
I'm absolutely certian that
może jeszcze - this problem can be debated until the end of time

Jak chcesz to mam jako taką bazę tych wyrażeń - bardzo pomocne w rozmowie i na różnych egzaminach. Jak jesteś zainteresowana to pisz na [email] to Ci przyślę (na forum mogę zapomnieć;) )






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