
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy jest tu gdzieś mistake?

(...) For example, you could go and come back with a good friend who your father knows and trusts.

Czy te "who" jest poprawne? a może powinno byc "whom"?
Entschuldigung, ist jemand da?! Ich muss die Antwort bis 16 Uhr kennen! Danke!
ich denke Sie sollen "whom" in diesem Satz anwenden. Ich bin der Meinung, dass "whom" hier am besten ist.

You can leave 'who' provided this is not a very formal text. Your sentence looks like it is not that formal. You could also leave out 'who' altogether!
Hope you will read this, it's ten to four :-)
mg! how ya doin? hope you're fine - enjoying your holidays, aren't you?


- enjoying your holidays

I wouldn't be writing this ,would I? Life's obviously more leisurely now, but it'll take some time before I go anywhere, for a number of reasons.
You said in another thread that you had a website of your own. Any chance of us getting to see it?
Thanks for all!! I got it exactly at four ;-)
actually, my "webowa stranka" (I do love this Czech name:) is really not worth being entered - i was just trying to build a website on my own and it was just for fun, not for any serious reason. I did it but it is not something that I am particularly proud of.

btw: nie chce podawac jej tutaj bo zaraz bedzie milion osiemset piecdziesiat cztery wejscia:)

nie chce podawac jej tutaj bo zaraz bedzie milion osiemset
>piecdziesiat cztery wejscia:)

Chyba o to chodzi, nie? :-)
nie:-) mi slawa, ktora do tej pory mam wystarczy;)

C'mon Mr JUlek, don't be that shy;)

GIve the link to your webowa stranka, as i'm really interested in what you have to say, and promise, I'm not gonna express any critical remarks.

na mojej webowej strance jest tylko kilka fotek - taki wybralem projekt w interii (bo tam kazdy majsterkowicz moze sobie zrobic stronke) - dlatego nie mam na tej stronce wiele do powiedzenia. Poza tym, chce mimo wszystko pozostac dla wiekszosci forumowicz anonimowy - by nie psuc aury swoim wygladem;)

> chce mimo wszystko pozostac dla wiekszosci forumowicz anonimowy -
>by nie psuc aury swoim wygladem;)

Wiesz, moze ktos spojrzy i sie podbuduje :-)
ale ty mnie podpuszczasz :>

is appearance all you man ever think of??;) And you're so vain as well;) nothing but photos;)

yes, I am vain, what am I to do about that?:)))))))))
przyszedl mi do glowy pomysl: moze na tej stronce utworzyc mala fotogalerie bywalcow tego forum?
Czy musialbys za to placic, Mr Julek?
nie, skadze, mozna zrobic stronke za free: interia takie cos proponuje, ale to fajny pomysl

what do the others think about it?

p.s mg - Ciebie juz w necie wysledzilem:) - kluczem do tego, bylo rozszyfrowanie twojego nicka:)

>p.s mg - Ciebie juz w necie wysledzilem:) - kluczem do tego, bylo
>rozszyfrowanie twojego nicka:)

ja sie nawet na tym forum raz czy dwa podpisalem imieniem i nazwiskiem :-)
To Mr. Julek,
Personally, I would be grateful if there was a website with photos of all the people that 'help' on this page. Just in case we ever meet. We could always 'doctor' the photos to show our best sides. I imagine you to be a Clive Owen lookalike. (from the film 'Closer') Am I wrong?
oh, if u imagine me in this way, you will certainly be disappointed. you don't even know how much... ;)

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