Proszę o pomoc-Stardom...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Oto temat mojej pracy:
Stardom: curse or blessing? ( wady i zalety)
a oto co ja mam:):

Stardom. Anybody realises haw difficult is being famous actor or pop star.. People don’t think about sacrifices, lack of privacy only about cash and benefits, they think that this profession is easy. In me opinion being famous have both the advantages and disadvantages...( trzeba napisać że sława nie przychodzi łatwo)

Being famous is a big responsibility.

Many of our world’s celebrities find it hard to cope with always being seen, recognised, photographed and asked for their autographs. Their lives are abnormal. They cannot shop, Kiss their partner without the whole Word knowing.

Often fame demands sacrifices on the part of other like members of the family, so as in the chance Jana Novotna’s family. They went without holidays for the ten years, to buy her equipment and coaching. thanks of their help, now, she is one of the top-ranked women players in the world.

Famous use their fame to public problems. Their well known faces help to assist aid, not just for money but also other helpful kinds of assistance.

Prosze o pomoc w zebraniu myśli i sprawdzenie...


Pomoc językowa

