czy ktos moshe mi to sprawdzic??

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
my mum ask to our house in the last sunday my uncle , my aunt and two my cousin which will be very naughty . Two boys was round table and they breaked vase my mum . When my mum reconciled wit loss fevourite vose , take a seat to table . My mum brought tuveen from hot soup . (tio jesce nie ejst koniec ... jestem pocztakujaca i psze wypracowanie na jutro =( prosze sprawdzcie mi to ='(((
tureen - "waza" mialo byc =(a nie tuveem
Last Sunday my mum invited my uncle and aunt and my two cousins to our house. My cousins were very naughty - they broke my mum's vase! Only when my mum reconciled herself to the loss of her favourite vase, did everyone take a seat at the table. Then, she brought hot soup for everybody.
Great, but if she's the beginner (and judging from her own writing she is), no one is going to believe she's written it herself.
racja! proba wersji uproszczonej:

Last Sunday my mum invited my uncle, aunt and my two cousins to our house. My cousins were very naughty. They broke my mum's favourite vase! She was very angry. It was a great loss for her! Later everybody took a seat at the table and my mum brought a hot soup.
niom bardzo ładnie to zrobione jest tlyko ..jednak nie na moj poziom . tio dlasza częśc " of course my two naughty cousin beginning fighting abaut this which first has to pour . During shoving thay droppen table-cloth on floor , all plates breaked"
bardzo dziekuje :*
tio co pisalm mialo to znaczyc ..."Oczyzwiscie moi dwaj nieznosni kuzyni zaczeli sie bic ktury pierwszy ma sobie nalac . Podczas szarpaniny zrzucili caly obbrus naziemie ,wszytskie talerze sie pozbijały a zupa wylal sie na podloge" .
Of course my two naughty cousins started to fight which of them can pour the soup first. During the fight they threw off the tablecloth, the plates were broken and the soup was poured all over the floor.
...broke the plates and spilled the soup all over the floor.

Don't mix active with passive.
"Cioci i wujkowi zrobilo sie glupio przeprosili za zachowanie dzieci i grzecznie wyszli a juz za dzrzwiami slychac bylo jak wujek krzyczy na dzieciakow .Moja mama posporzontala no i wkoncu zadecydowalismy cala rodzina ze zakupimy ( albo zamowimy )sobie pizze". i tio jus bedzie wszytskoo
opisuje rozne czynnosci ktore sie zdarzyly.

dlaczego odradzasz laczanie passive i active?
takie mieszanie nie jest dobre. Opisywałes kolejno co sie stalo .. zrzucili obrus, rozbili to i tamto. W takim wypadku past simple bedzie najlepsze (zwłaszcza, ze jako pierwszy wpisales czasownik w p.s.)
Ten passive ewentualnie po kropce, w osobnym zdaniu, na koncu, jako skutki tego całego zdarzenia.
My aunt and uncle felt awkward about this and apologized for children's behaviour and left. Only behind the door we could hear the uncle shouting at the children. My mum tidied up and we decided to order a pizza in the end.
dzieki :)
Only behind the door we could hear the
>uncle shouting at the children.

once they left, all we could hear was my uncle's shouting at the children
once they left, we could hear nothing but my uncle's ...
Bardzo wam dziekuje za pomoc :*:*: dobranoc =))))))
From behind the door we could hear....

Albo ktoras z wersji Iwony nizej.
good night!

gussuri oyasumi ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

