Pilnie potrzeba pomoc!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego testu, bo jest w nim sporo błędów:( Byłabym również bardzo wdzięczna jakby ktoś mógłby to trochę rozbudować, dlaczego dzieci jeszcze powinny korzystać z neta i dlaczego jest to też dla nich niebezpieczne (bo mi nic nie przychodzi do głowy:() Z góry dziękuje za pomoc:*
The Internet is a very useful tool, because we can find more informations and we can talk don't leave the home.
However the Internet is a danger especially for childrens, because childrens can talk with peoples all on the world and they don't know with who really talk. Also a some other web site isn't for children.
On the other hand, childrens sholud be used to Internet, because they can learn foreigns language.
In conclusion children should be used to Internet, but parents must teach childrens the used to Internet.
The Internet is a very useful tool, because we can find more
information and we can talk without leaving our houses.
However, the Internet is dangerous especially for children because
they can talk with people all on the world and they don't know who they really talk (chat) with. Also a great deal of web sites isn't for children.
On the other hand, children sholud be tought to use the net because they
can learn foreign languages thanks to that.
In conclusion, children should learn how to use the Internet and how to benefit from this medium but it is their parents' responsibility to oversee this learning process.
Wielkie dzięki za pomoc:*


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