prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
napisalam krotkie opowiadanie i chcialabym sie dowiedziec czy jest dobrze zrobione i czy sa bledy(a napewno sa:P)
"It was a beautiful spring day so I and my friend decided to went for a was sunny and hot so we went on the lake.First we had to cross the big wood.As soon as we came on the lake we sat on the beach.We began sunbaited and talked.suddenly started rain and began storm. we was afraid because when we ran into wood made dark!
We wanted go home but we losted way!we decided to waited for the end of storm.after 2 houre rain stoped and we finded way. we was wet and cold but we all felt verry happy to be back home."
prosze o pomoc!
Już za momencik ci odpowiem.Są błędy ale drobne:-)
>"It was a beautiful spring day so I and my friend decided to go for
>a walk.It was sunny and hot so we went to the lake.First we had to
>cross a big wood.As soon as we came(lepiej byłoby-arrived albo got) to the lake we sat on a
>bench.We began sunbathing and talked.Suddenly it started to rain and a storm began
>. We were afraid because when we ran into wood it got dark!
>We wanted to go home but we lost our way(albo got lost)!We decided to wait for the end
>of the storm.After 2 houres it stopped raining and we found the way. We were wet and
>cold but we both felt verry happy to be back home."


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