Dear Sir or Madam,
'My name is Patrycja' (tego nie trzeba pisac, list i tak bedzie podpisany i beda tez mieli twoje CV) ...... and I would like to apply for 'a' THE job OF (xxxxxx)in Denmark. (albo for jobs in Denmark).
I currently live and work in Poland as a teacher in A kindergarten, (ile juz lat?) but I am going to move to Denmark 'in' AT the beginning of October. (because of my boyfriend living and working there) (tego nie pisz, bo nikogo naprawde nie interesuje twoja romantyczna historia).
I am searching for 'such kind of job' SUCH JOBS as working in AN office, working in factory, cleaning, 'etc' (przepraszam a jaka to praca 'etc?) (Tego NIGDY w listach sie nie pisze).
As you can see from the enclosed application form, (kiedy i jak dlugo) I worked in factory in England so I have got 'an' (niepotr) experience 'on' IN this field.