prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
cześć, dopiero uczę się angielskiego i nie mam kogo zapytać czy poprawnie piszę maile po angielsku, więc mam prośbę, czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić tekst i ew. poprawić

In last shipment (your invoice no 4400) was lacked 15 pcs printers.
Please check in your warehause, did they consign this product for last shipment and send me answer.
This is very important to me.
Your last shipment (your invoce no. 4400) was short of 15 pcs printers.
In your last shipment (your invoice no. 4400) 15 pcs printers were missing.
Please check with you warehouse to see if they were included in the last shimpment and let me know as soon as possible.


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