Wstawienie brakujacego slowa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Oto fragment tekstu, w ktory trzeba wstawic brakujace słowa.

In Medieval Europe, postal services ..... <--WERE organised by emperors and by papacy, ............... <-- ( nie wiem;/) private citizens continued to entrust their correspondence to various travellers. Later, around the 13th century , universities and towns came ............ <-- (tez nie wiem) have their own messengers. However, it was not ........ <-- UNTIL the 14th century that merchants, the private citizens ........... <-- (;/) had the greatest need for a speedy and regular exchange of correspondence. began to ............ <-- (TAKE ;/) up regular courier services.
te co nie wiesz - probowales tlumaczyc na polski, zeby zrozumiec, czego brakuje w polskich zdaniach?
postal services ..... <--WERE organised by emperors and by papacy, ............... <-- ( nie wiem;/) private citizens continued to entrust their correspondence to various travellers

were organised - ok; w drugiej luce potrzebne nam słowo, które wprowadzi kontrast.

Later, around the 13th century , universities and towns came ............ <-- (tez nie wiem) have their own messengers

Potrzebny ci odpowiedni przyimek . Sprawdź w słowniku.

However, it was not ........ <-- UNTIL the 14th century that merchants, the private citizens ........... <-- (;/) had the greatest need for a speedy and regular exchange of correspondence. began to ............ <-- (TAKE ;/) up regular courier services.

until - ok; private citizens - czu which będzie pasowało? ; w ostatniej luce potrzebne nam słówko, które stworzy phrasal verb z przyimkiem up i będzie oznaczało "założyć" - np jak w zdaniu "Chciałbym założyć własną założyć firmę."

edytowany przez Bednar87: 19 paź 2010


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