WOW jestem pod wrazeniem jakie mozna zrobic bledy:) Nie robisz bardzo wiele bledow gramatycznych, ale spelling masz dramatyczny, moze sprawdzaj w slowniku jak sie pisze kazde slowo, ktorego nie jestes pewna?
a teraz Poprawki
1.We can meet The Polish in Germany, Spain, Italy, but most Polish emigrants are (lepiej brzmi live) in the UK.
2.They go abroad, because they cant find any job in Poland albo they were not able to find any job in Poland (couldnt nie za bardzo pasowalo w tym kontekscie czy uzyjesz czasu present czy past to zalezy co chcesz chcesz podkreslic).
3.They didn't have enough money to live in Poland.
4. I'm sure, that nordway they earn more. 9co to jest nordway? jesli chodzi o Norwegie to Norway)
5.In Poland there was high unemployment albo they used to be high unemployment.
6. Moze lepiej bedzie: they didnt study so they left Poland
7.. Some set here their families. (o co chodzi ze zostawili rodziny czy zalozyli nowa?)
8.Maybe when they gain money they will come back to Poland.
9. They are homesick, because they have family and friends in Poland. - dobrze
10.People will come back to Poland, when our economy gets better. - dobrze
11. The Polish go abroad to learn foreign languages.
12.Maybe they go to UK, because they learn foreign cultures. (moze byc, ale raczej uzywa sie other cultures)
13. Maybe they won't meet foreigners and see how they live. (o co chodzi ze nie spotkaja obcych aby zobaczyc jak zyja?)
14. Many people want to stay abroad, because they have there better. [/quote] 9czy chodzi tu o to, ze ludzie chca zostac za granica bo im tam lepiej?)