Proooszę o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, możecie mi sprawdzić rozprawkę, ew. coś dodać, zmienić, poprawić by miała 2[tel]słów? :):):) Proooszę ładnie :D

In today's world, lots of vehicles are being stayed in traffic's jums, environment is polluted, moreover it is a big number of collisions. Should we travelling by bicycle? I am going to consider advantages and disadvantages of riding on a bike.
Firstly, a bicylcle is environmentionally friendly because we do not have to use petrol or other fuels, furthermore a bike does not produce any pollution. Secondly, travvelnig by bike is economical - a bicyle is cheaper than a car, and it does not burn the expensive fuel. In addition riding on a bike is good way to keep fit and do exercises ,so it is good to our health. Moreover a bike saves our time. It is very quick in heavy traffic.
However travelling by bicycle has disadvantages too. At first it is ont good for long trips, for example to other country. Riding in a bike is healthy, but the other hand unhealthy fumes are being breathed in. Moreover we have not protection from weather and if it is raining, we will catch diseases. Besides being dangeour to our health, travelling in a bike is dangeour for our life - we can be killed by speed car, huge bus and more other vehicles.
On balance, travelling by bicycle has advantages but it has disadvantages too. We must choose ,when we should riding on a bike - it is according from situation , .
Moglibyście mi to sprawdzić, coś dodać, j/w dzisiaj PROSZĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ :)
Sprawdźcie proszę was, potrzebuję tego już dzisiaj , litości :)
In today's world, lots of vehicles are forced to stay in traffic's jams, environment is polluted, moreover there is a big number of collisions. Should we all travel by bicycles? What are the advantages and disadvantages of riding a bike.
Firstly, a bicylcle is environmentionally friendly because we do not have to use petrol or other fuel, furthermore a bike does not produce any pollution. Secondly, traveling by bike is economical - a bicyle is cheaper than a car, and it does not burn the expensive fuel. In addition, riding on a bike is a good way to keep fit and do exercises ,so it is good to our health. Moreover a bike saves our time. It is very quick in heavy traffic.
However travelling by bicycle has disadvantages too. At first it is ont good for long trips, for example to other country. Riding in a bike is good for health, but the other hand unhealthy fumes are being breathed in. Moreover we do not have any protection from weather and if it is raining, we mayl catch diseases. Besides being dangeour to our health, travelling by bike is dangeour for our life - we can be killed by a car, a huge bus and more other vehicles.
On balance, travelling by bicycle has advantages but it has disadvantages too. We must choose ,when we should ride a bike - it is according to the situation we are in.
przerobie tylko advantages, ok?

In today's world vehicles are stuck in traffic jams, natural environment is polluted, and car collisions multiply. Should we use bikes instead of bikes? I am going to consider advantages adn disadvantages of riding a bike.
Firstly, bicycle is environment-friendly. It does not use petrol or any other fossil fuel that pollute. In fact, it doesn not use any fuel at all what makes it very attractive from economical standpoint. There is no doubt that a bike is a clean and affordable means of transportation. It also is an excellent exercise machine. Riding a bike is a good way to keep fit and healthy, and in heavy traffic, your legs might just prove faster than cars.

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